Didn't i read some time ago on this board that a splinter group in eastern Europe calls themselves "Jehovah's True witnesses?"
JoinedPosts by willy_think
If Jehovah's Witnesses Were To Have A Spin-Off Religion, What Would It Be?
by minimus insuggest a good name for a spin-off religion to the jws.
Needing peace and friendship
by snbdye2000 inwell the title of my subject seems a bit pathetic, but i truly am in need of friendship.
my whole life and marriage have been turned upside down with my husband "studying" with a jehovah's witness.
he hasnt done a lot of meeting with this man, but he does believe all their doctrine.
The JW's do not allow you to take the wine and bread in remembrance of Jesus
This is, strictly speaking, not the full story. The WT offers communion to every JW. It requires a witness to take the bread and wine but not to eat it. They take it only to reject it and pass it on uneaten. The symbolism is unquestionable, the WT is the only hope.
My ex-wife/ex-mother-in-law hired a thug to "hurt" me
by outbutnotdown ini was out at the local pub on monday night and a big guy came up to me and wanted to "talk" to me.
as i went to see what he wanted, i made eye contact with the bouncer so that he knew that i wasn't completely cofortable with the situation.
the guy started off by saying that my ex-wife has been complaining that i have been harrassing her and that it's getting bad enough that she has to move out of town.
It is bullshit you know. I will not advocate violence, so I'll say nothing.
Needing peace and friendship
by snbdye2000 inwell the title of my subject seems a bit pathetic, but i truly am in need of friendship.
my whole life and marriage have been turned upside down with my husband "studying" with a jehovah's witness.
he hasnt done a lot of meeting with this man, but he does believe all their doctrine.
Welcom Welcom Welcom you came to the right place. All I can tell you is if your man is a thinking person he will come to understand the WT for what it is and so will you. My family was split, Dad a JW, Mom not. I feal for you and your baby. I wish all good things for you and I do care, we do care.
"There is also love in the world,"
M theory give and call it the god really exist theory
by meggidon555 inhttp://http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/m_theory
change the name to the g theory (and i don't mean godzilla take the zilla off) .
i saw this documentary on discovery science the other night .
If the 'hour' leg of this clock is moved an infinitesimally small angle away from verticle, how long will it take that leg to move down to 6 o'clock?
Cool quote onacruse,
It will take infinity to reach 6 o'clock but (correct me if i am wrong) that is also how long it will take to come all the way back to 12 or to move just one degree. But since an hour hand does traverse infinitely small zenith angles i feel comfortable saying, in practice it will take 6 hours to move from 12 to 6.
If i toss a rubber ball and think about the distance as an infinite half-length 12 feet, 6, 3, 2.5, 1.1, 0.55, 0.275, 0.1375, 0.06875, .....The ball will never hit the wall at the end of the 12 feet. Now you may say the strong force will stop the ball from touching the wall and so this is a true statement but the ball will bounce back to me anyway.
A challenge to all atheist?
by meggidon555 ini love rpgs .
here is the setting.
a time ago proof beyond a shadow of a dought that god does not exist was released to the world.
You know Saddam is a Christian don't you?
There once was a man who said "when you don't kill your self you lose the right to talk about life."
M theory give and call it the god really exist theory
by meggidon555 inhttp://http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/m_theory
change the name to the g theory (and i don't mean godzilla take the zilla off) .
i saw this documentary on discovery science the other night .
so by sticking a zero into the equasion and timming your equasion by it by that is balance and passes for mathematical science these days.
Well there is no sticking involved but yes you can do that. It is an algebraic Property known for a very long time.
sounds like cheating
I don't know what to say, is that why you don't like it?
and beside last time I remeber wasn't the abomb putting math to the test did that go over well in fact did not einstien asking a was it really a good thing they proved and it is still theory e=mc2
Yes the abomb was puting math to the test. It went well, just as the modal predicted. Enstien did question what man would do with the power. Yes, It is still a theory, Theory being a scientifically acceptable general principle (theory never becomes law).Did you know that electricity is still a theory? It always will be.
One may argue that the M theory is not a theory at all because it is not testable, the math however is not in question.
by Terry inevery baby born seems to have a giant helping of fairy stories, talking animals, outrageous exaggerations parading as "fact" and an endless stream of cartoons, science fiction and make-believe.
the laws of nature and physics are violated every few seconds in film and tv!
is it surprising that children are not only ignorant of how things really work-but, they don't have patience and an appetite for fact when they get to the schoolroom.
As I see it, Christmas is a ritual celebration of Jesus birthday and as such, has a place for every one. The little children that believe have the unique opportunity to experience joy in a real state of innocence and wonder. When that get older and find out the truth they take a new role in the game unharmed and still excited to play there new more adult part.
Imagination is extremely important to the development of abstract thought. The youngest babes seem to think people cease to exist when they are out of the room. It is only later that the baby can imagine the person continuing to exist out of sight. The process of separating what we know form what we believe is a lifelong one and is not harmful in itself however, it can be manipulated to cause harm.
You are a guest in my thread. You are welcome here. But, if you are going to name-call and act out; I'm afraid I'll have to bid you good-bye sadly.
That's precious. I am a guest in YOUR thread. [removed]
It's the irony, see to me this is funny funny stuff! Opposing realities
M theory give and call it the god really exist theory
by meggidon555 inhttp://http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/m_theory
change the name to the g theory (and i don't mean godzilla take the zilla off) .
i saw this documentary on discovery science the other night .
In this kind of science if the equations balance, we test them in the real world and if the results conform to the mathematical modal we consider it proven. In the M theory, the equations balance but there is no way to make an observation. So the theory is as it is presented, just as it is, an equation that seems to work. What there is to rebel against i don't see, Math is not a matter of egos. Where do you think the hostility you feel towards scientists stems from? We are taught one world perspective and when we feel that reality threatened there must be a reaction. but where does that come from, who taught it to us, for what purpose?
by Terry inevery baby born seems to have a giant helping of fairy stories, talking animals, outrageous exaggerations parading as "fact" and an endless stream of cartoons, science fiction and make-believe.
the laws of nature and physics are violated every few seconds in film and tv!
is it surprising that children are not only ignorant of how things really work-but, they don't have patience and an appetite for fact when they get to the schoolroom.
When a Jehovah's Witness comes peddling a "better" fantasy that avoids Hell and provides a Paradise Solution to all life's problems---well, who wouldn't buy such a tale?
Pepole who lead examined lives would not buy such a tale.
I assert that by filling little children full of fantasy and fiction from their very start we are poisoning their capacity to tolerate REALITY. Fantasy tastes better. It is a sugar-coated world.
I agree.
I teach my kids the importance of understanding and seperating the things we know from the things we believe. As somone once said it's not what we don't know that hurts us it's what we know that's not true.