If you get baptized a JW you can have him, it would "fix" that for you but it would put you in a world of shit. "RUN" now that is GOOD Advice!!!!!!
The Great and Powerful Oz:
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
i have recently met a wonderful man.
he is a jw, and has been all 25 years of his life.
i am not, and have not even known any all of my life.
If you get baptized a JW you can have him, it would "fix" that for you but it would put you in a world of shit. "RUN" now that is GOOD Advice!!!!!!
The Great and Powerful Oz:
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
i was wondering today about how jw are not allowed to socialize with wordly people.
how can they judge other religions if they aren't allowed to witness religous practises other than their own?
my friend is a jw, so to better understand her religion i participated in one of her religious gatherings...yet when i invited her to my church she wasn't allowed.
I was wondering today about how JW are not allowed to socialize with wordly people. WHy is this?
Information control.....emotional control......
How can they judge other religions if they aren't allowed to witness religous practises other than their own?
Can't....but the WT said....so it must be true...
My friend is a JW, so to better understand her religion I participated in one of her religious gatherings
Sucker, you went because getting people to the hall is what she does for her "eternal living". lol
She isn't allowed to socialized with other non JWs but isn't that like me....
a little WT tipe quote for you.
And the answer is, yes man she can't socialize with you, unless she is trying to sell you paradise.
What kind of response would I get then??
You would get a Christian moral response, but don't expect that kind of response from the WT, they are neither Christian nor moral.
Then how do they justify that?
Well, they like to pull bible quotes out of context and applying them as needed. But my favorite is how they insert a deniability of responsibility into there magazines and books. Hell.......... just look at TheOldHippie's post.
The Great and Powerful Oz:
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
just thinking.... i can believe that a higher intelligence entity (hie) cannot be proven.
i am willing to accept that a hie cannot even be definitively induced, even for marvels that we cannot demonstrate at this time (e.g.
natural transformation of elements into living material).
There's that wall LucidSky... now it's time to pick first cause of first effect
I went with first cause.
The Great and Powerful Oz:
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
who says the bible is gods word?i mean who in the bible?.
remember the bible is a whole host of books put together as one by different people than the writers.. did the actual writers cliam their books were inspired by god?.
i only know of pauls claim in timothy, but can he really speak for the rest of the bible writers when he claim "all scripture is inspired of god"?.
Here is my perspective on your questions.
Who says the bible is Gods word?
The Catholic church, 4th century.
I mean who in the Bible?
What an interesting question. It makes me think you already know the answer and are redirecting your line of thinking away from the historical fact.
Did the actual writers cliam their books were inspired by God?
Some did.
I only know of Pauls claim in Timothy, but can he really speak for the rest of the Bible writers when he claim "all scripture is inspired of God"?
What scripures did he mean anyway?
It's irrelevant since the Church not Paul declared the bible inspired.
So did the bible writers really think they were inspired of God?
Some did.
Luke for example doesn't seam to think he was, he just says he was writing the history of Jesus and apostales.If he believed God was directing him why does he fail to mention it?
What "Luke" thought about the inspired nature of his book or that of the Bible in it's fullest form is also irrelevant. He didn't declare his book or the bible inspired. as I said there is no escaping historical facts. The bible was declared inspired by the Church, all later declarations of the Bibles inspired nature were only statements affirming the authority of the Church.
The Great and Powerful Oz:
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
if your first response was bless you then great you have broken the jw cult mentality,and you probally are either agnostic or just not sure of which way you are going.. if your response was god bless you then you also have broken the jw cult mentality,and are still a believer in a god.. if you had no response then you are still polluted by the brainwashing of the dubs.. i hope you passed the test !!
that's German for GOD BLESS YOU
I usually say "goes in tight" and the response is "not any more."
hello all... i came across this line of questioning many months on the inet so i decided that i would submit just this once to peer pressure and make a usefull contribution to the board.. here is the question... is jesus just "a god?".
many of the regular inet surfers would have come across this line of questioning before so if you have you could just sit back and relax and read the replys.. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>.
me: so is he a 'lesser true god' or a 'lesser false god?'.
Dearest Alan,
It never ceases to amaze me how well you can repeatedly demonstrate your total lack of social skills. Poor Alan, he got burned by the WT cult, boo hoo, first you get mad then you get even, yah we can all see that. Well, you'll get your revenge Alan but remember who it is you have a problem with, you cracker, peace of shit, wannabe power broker, gutless boytoy $2 whore, name calling bitch, cry baby, asshole.......if I know a thousand words that mean lack of humanity, I would paint your picture with them, humm well maybe punk will do. How do you like it bitch? now go away the grownups are talking. lol Just kidding.....you can sit in the corner.
your superior and overlord.
mom and i have both talked to the elders at her kh, to tell them what the guy at patterson told us........that there is no problem with her living here, and that people should be visiting her.
mom misunderstood, and thought she was supposed to call all the elders.
i am sure the fellow meant to tell an elder, so he could tell the others.
I think some of this issue, now, is because they had a talk on the service meeting about not counting your time if you visit sick and elderly people.
so you can't USE visits to "count your time." hummmmm,
Your moms visitors were USING HER as a more pleasant way to "count time" but now they can't USE HER to "count time", she is USELESS to them. visiting her doesn't "count" what would be the USE in visiting the sick and elderly, it's not like Christians "count" ministering to the sick and elderly among the things Jesus expects of us.
Your Mom at the end of her life, has your love and loyalty, it is enough.
The Great and Powerful Oz:
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
i know that jw's say only 144,000. however, i just read a book called "as time runs out" by robert jeffress and he claims that all christians who have received jesus will be picked up at the rapture.
but, he says, we will not all have the same rank in heaven.
he claims that different responsibilities will be assigned.
You are looking for irrefutable proof, isn't that what the WT said you need but never gave you? It's a trap, there is no proof only authority.
I've never seen any "irrefutable proof" that the great depression happened i believe it did, because i accept the authority of the people who told me it did. when i asked my great grate grandmother what the depression was like she said "i didn't know there was a depression until it was over maybe for the rich people it was a bad time but we were pore before then and we were pore after so i didn't pay it any mind." the point is you can live something and still need to rely on authority to understand it.
The bible is inspired and infallible on the authority of the Catholic church alone. No tricks, no gimmicks, no hidden clues in the numbers, nothing to subtract or add, no "scientific evidence" (repeated constant results of a controlled test), no voice in your head, no chapter and verse, and no flashy preacher declared the bible inspired.
The question is one of authority you have made your self your own authority and as such you are free to say what "proof" is and isn't what is true and what is false, but remember this too is a matter of your current persecutive and your authority.
i actually stepped into a catholic church for the first time in my life last sunday.
i friend of mine didn't have anyone to go with her, so i offered take her.
i went mostly out of curiousity.
Growing up, like my farther before me, I was catholic in name alone.
when I first came to this site I was without faith in any God, all I wanted to do is vent the anger and frustration of watching my family get sucked into the WT Conn. my dad under the WT influence, started saying things about the church that i know were incorrect and misleading I had no love for the church but neither did I have any hate, so I looked into the issues. I foolishly thought that, if I showed him accurate catholic teachings, he would see that the WT was intentionally misleading him, using untruths and half-truths to manipulate his perspective. cut and dry, or so I thought. Any way that's how the WT brought me to the church. lol
The point I wanted to make before I started rambling is, only a year or so ago, you couldn't post anything positive about the church without getting dumped on and shunned it's nice to see the change not just with the Catholics but with all Christian denominations, atheists and non-Christians. It's my hope that the Baptists and the others who use this bord feal more acceptance too, since there is less religion based bashing then there was once upon a time. JW. com is becoming a place were we truly can discuss anything JW related, not just the trading of insults but the exchange of information, not just the spreading of our bigotry but the sharing of our varied perspectives.
(1 Corinthians, 13:13)
"So faith hope, love, remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love."
Main Entry: cath·o·lic
Pronunciation: 'kath-lik, 'ka-th&-
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French & Late Latin; Middle French catholique, from Late Latin catholicus, from Greek katholikos universal, general, from katholou in general, from kata by + holos whole —more at CATA-, SAFE
Date: 14th century
1 a : often capitalized : of, relating to, or forming the church universal b : often capitalized : of, relating to, or forming the ancient undivided Christian church or a church claiming historical continuity from it c : capitalized : ROMAN CATHOLIC
2 : COMPREHENSIVE, UNIVERSAL; especially : broad in sympathies, tastes, or interests
- ca·thol·i·cal·ly /k&-'thä-li-k(&-)lE/ adverb
- ca·thol·i·cize /-'thä-l&-"sIz/ verb
Main Entry: Cath·o·lic
Pronunciation: 'kath-lik, 'ka-th&-
Function: noun
Date: 15th century
1 : a person who belongs to the universal Christian church
2 : a member of a Catholic church; especially : ROMAN CATHOLIC
hay will,
I watch most of Jesus Christ Superstar last wkd good movie.
When I was a kid we would sing a song that went; "Jesus Christ, supper star, who in the world do you think you are, cops are chasing him, he don't care, he's got bullet proof underwear......."
i actually stepped into a catholic church for the first time in my life last sunday.
i friend of mine didn't have anyone to go with her, so i offered take her.
i went mostly out of curiousity.
In the Catholic faith, there's really little room for participation on the part of individuals, which I think may make things seem a bit impersonal
i understand what you mean by this but i would like to mention that every individual is called to full participation in the mass. the responses must not be parroted back they need to be said with the understanding that one is in the presence of all the saints and angels of heaven, a son of the farther in an active act of worship. when words are spoken like "i confess to almighty God and to you my brothers and sisters, in what i have done, and what i failed to do.." or when hands are rased in the lords prayer, if one is fully present and offering his or her self to the lord, there is no more joyful form of worship participation in the mass is not like participation at the hall that is true, but the mass is worship and communion with the lord, not a sails meeting, so that kind of participation isn't needed.