Let's see, that would have to be the time I was extremely depressed and seeing a Witness psychologist. My older brother, bless his heart, went through my bedroom with our bkstudy conductor, looking to see what might be "at the root of my depression".
They finally decided the culprit was an old copy of a Nancy Drew book which contained the name "witch" in the title! Never mind that I told them I hadnt read that story since I was 12! Nancy Drew; spooky stuff, huh?! Golly Gee, it gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. Anyway, unbeknownst to me, they had a little impromptu bonfire in his backyard.....completely incinerated the little bugger once and for all. Guess that'll teach those pesky demons to go hiding in children's literature! You can't hide from Jehovah! I think the funniest part was that the bkstudy conductor told me he got the chills just picking up the offending piece of lit. so he just "knew" it was what was causing all my trouble.
Of course, when the book was long gone and I was still in need of therapy my elders decided that I must be doing something else wrong in my life that I was not owning up to.
I never did find out if the book started howling in protest when it was thrown in the fire....
Boy, for a religion that claims not to be superstitious, they take the cake.