I thought the Society was always enlightened about racial equality; I had no idea the Society ever expressed racist views.
I understand what you mean. We were all so drilled in the idea that the Society was a "spiritual paradise" where everything was perfect, just perfect, always had been, always would be. Truth is, all those folks with "spirit-directed personalities" are just as human and fallible--also gullible--as any other part of mankind. We thought we--and our leaders--were so much better than the rest of the world! But that was just pride, I'm afraid.
I'm still momentarily shocked, even a quarter-century after leaving, when I discover goofball things about the Society I didn't know before--like vaccinations being a DF'ing offense until about 1960! They never mentioned that when I was studying . . .
From Russell's standpoint, Michael Jackson would be a sign that kingdom rule is at hand.
ROTFLMAO! You're right! No doubt the end is eminent! Say, wait a minute--maybe Jackson is the FDS--and all his videos are prophetic symbols. There's got to be a scripture somewhere to support that. Think I'll call my local KH and ask for a study . . . NOT!
For my money, "spiritual blindness" was totally underated by the Jdubs...I love it!!
Amen, sister! Yeeooooooou ain't nevah lied!
"If we all loved one another as much as we say we love God, I reckon there wouldn't be as much meanness in the world as there is."--from the movie Resurrection (1979)