Dear Sweet LoveUniHateExams,
Are you from the US? If so did you grow up in the South as a white male? Did you hear N-word jokes since you were a baby? Have you had other whites presume upon your racism and use the N-word and explicitly explain their disgust for the race of people that are called this word? Do you have relatives that are proud of the fact that their high school is called Robert E Lee?
White supremacy is alive and well around these parts. Racism is real. But blacks being at the disadvantage when white cops are involved is not? It's all equal?
"Save the whales" never meant that other marine lives don't matter. It just meant we need to stop killing so many whales. Blacks would like less blacks being shot by cops at the current rate. I don't think they are asking too much. And I can see, hear and feel why they have good reason for asking.