Who exactly gets to decide who is and isn't "a disgrace to the black race"? Is there a secret governing body for black people that decides how everyone must think? Come to think of it, is there some authoritative body for white people ... because I think I might have been dropped off the mailing list - I've been thinking my own thoughts for years now and just generally deciding things for myself.
Seriously, the idea that someone is "a disgrace to their kind" is rarely the sign of a well thought out and reasonable stance.
That's not an argument, it is my opinion/observation.
Lot's of white people in the South have been thinking for themselves for a couple of centuries. And they will continue to do so. My uncle, the KKK member, thinks his own thoughts, I'm sure. Or at least he thinks so.
My uncle is a disgrace to the white race as well. But more importantly, just like the sheriff, he's a disgrace to humanity.