Scumgrief: I am also a happy JW. I am in a congregation that is very loving. Our body of elders are awesome and very loving. A few weeks ago I had a case of depression over my health and each one of them came to visit me on a different day. It was very comforting. I realize that they also have full days with work, their own families, the congregation, their own health etc. Oh there is always little problems in the congrations, but what is expected with the constant attacks from Satan and his forces. I always try to stick with Jehovah and don't expect from the brothers more that what Jehovah expects.
JoinedPosts by YoYoMama
active and happy jw
by scumgrief ini am an active jw and was raised as one.
i have been watching the site for a while and thought it could benefit from the opinions of someone who is happily a member of the jw's.
i will not get into any argumets that lead to nothing except name calling, and will not talk with anyone who is just plain mean (plenty of them in here).
Ephesians 4:1-3
by YoYoMama in*** rbi8 ephesians 4:1-3 ***.
4 i, therefore, the prisoner in [the] lord, entreat you to walk worthily of the calling with which you were called, 2 with complete lowliness of mind and mildness, with long-suffering, putting up with one another in love, 3 earnestly endeavoring to observe the oneness of the spirit in the uniting bond of peace.
jehovahs witnesses are a united people.
*** Rbi8 Ephesians 4:1-3 ***
4 I, therefore, the prisoner in [the] Lord, entreat YOU to walk worthily of the calling with which YOU were called, 2 with complete lowliness of mind and mildness, with long-suffering, putting up with one another in love, 3 earnestly endeavoring to observe the oneness of the spirit in the uniting bond of peace.Jehovah’s Witnesses are a united people. United in worship, beliefs, and common goal to preach the good news to people.
Two Elders Came To My Door
by silentlambs inwell i guess wt is getting tired of waiting me out.
two elders showed up at my door on halloween.
they were not trick or treating, at least i think they were notat least they did not have candy bags.
I have a question. Did you know the two elders that tried to visit you? How do you know they were there to harass you? Are you not assuming bad motives when you did not even give those two guys a chance to speak? You know, not everything is a conspiracy and not all elders and witnesses out to get you. I believe you are a bit paranoid. Calm down dude.
What would you say to Jesus?
by YoYoMama inif at the end when jesus comes to make justice on earth and it turns out that jehovah's witnesses was the one true path, what would you say to him?.
notice i said if...
If at the end when Jesus comes to make justice on earth and it turns out that Jehovah's Witnesses was the one true path, what would you say to him?
Notice I said if...
What JW fact would you like to know?
by sleepy injust been thinking about some info i would love to know but will probably never find out.. what i wish for is a book about the lives of the societies presidents.. i would like to have first hand acounts of what they were really like and what others thought of them.. did they really belive what they taught , were they con men or just slightly mad?.
i would mostly like to know about russell and rutherford.. trouble is there arent many people alive who would remmember them well.. prehaps someone can help me out.
A.H. Macmillan wrote "Faith on the march" in 1950's about his life story. It includes conversations and things he saw during Russell and Rutherfords lives. I enjoyed it.
Joel: I don't agree with you on that one. I am a JW and I have very meaningful life. I keep busy and concentrated in the work Jehovah has given me. But if that's how you feel and go ahead and enjoy life for now.
Cassiline: You are right on that one, but the feelings are still there and I can't explain it.
ballistic: that's a good point.
AMarie: Again, I agree with you. I'm also afraid of the process or maybe of loosing a family member and being without them. I guess I'm looking at it from the perspective of being alive and feeling things instead of a sleeping stand point. Sometimes I get scared of my morbid thoughts. Any of you have this problem?
Did the entire first century congregation preach?
by Leander ini've been wondering about that question for the past few weeks.
in my recollection it seems that the disciples were the primary ones engaged in the preaching work.
where the other members of the 1st congregation involved in that preaching work as well?
I have to agree with nytelecom1. Jesus words were meant for all his disciples, not a special class of them.
AMarie: I agree with you on that one. Still, I think I might be obsessed in thinking about death or at least being scared of it.