I am defending Jehovahs law not my organization. Actually the organization does clean up their filth. Ever heard of disfellowshippings? What a silly boy you are.
JoinedPosts by YoYoMama
by Serena ini have been "fooling around" with brother charlie for a couple months.
going to his apartment and spending the night with him.
i am so in love with him, i would do anything for him, anything at all.
by Serena ini have been "fooling around" with brother charlie for a couple months.
going to his apartment and spending the night with him.
i am so in love with him, i would do anything for him, anything at all.
How is following Jehovahs law on morality a "screwed up thinking"?
The Bible clearly says that Jehovah detests (hates) fornication. That's were the problem is.
I agree that the guy is playing her, but still Jehovahs law is being broken.
by LB ini'm new here and i'm certain this topic has been discussed in the past so please forgive me for bringing it up.
i've been inactive for about 3 years now and at this time would like to disassociate myself as i do plan to celebrate holidays and such.
so i think it is to my advantage to da myself before i get dfed.
If you are going to disassociate yourself anyway, go ahead and speak with one of the local elders. Ask him your questions so that you can be sure of whatever you decide. Pray to Jehovah and ask for his guidance. Also talk with your kids about it, tell them your plans and then listen. I'm sure they care and love you very much and will give you some guidance.
by Serena ini have been "fooling around" with brother charlie for a couple months.
going to his apartment and spending the night with him.
i am so in love with him, i would do anything for him, anything at all.
Close your legs. Love Jehovahs law and do not commit immorality. Then you wont be used.
Sorry for being so direct, but I had to say it.
WTBTS vs Stratton Ohio: Sixth Circuit Opinion
by sf in< http://pacer.ca6.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/getopn.pl?opinion=01a0045p.06
Another victory for Jehovah!
Gal. 6:7
1 Cor. 13:12
by YoYoMama inwhat did paul mean when he said "at present we see in hazy outline by means of a metal mirror."?.
was he not annointed?
did jehovah not reveal everything to him?
From what I understand then is that Paul did not have all the answers at that time, but in time Christians would be seeing things clearer and clearer. So Jehovah does reveal things step by step. In other words not all at once, but as needed.
1 Cor. 13:12
by YoYoMama inwhat did paul mean when he said "at present we see in hazy outline by means of a metal mirror."?.
was he not annointed?
did jehovah not reveal everything to him?
What did Paul mean when he said "At present we see in hazy outline by means of a metal mirror."?
Was he not annointed? Did Jehovah not reveal everything to him? Why not?
Paradise - I Think I'll Pass........
by Black Man inone thing that has always kinda ticked me off with the society depiction of paradise, is the completely bland, devoid of personality, stepford wives-ish look given to paradise pics in the publications over the years.
peeps walkin' around smilin' for no reason, no attention given to a cultivation of technology, the arts, space exploration.
there never seemed to be any point to paradise.
You are all insane!
I've had nightmares were my wonderful wife dies and I woke up crying. I would do anything to live an eternity with her, I don't ever want to lose her. I would do anything to have one more day with my dad, who I lost to death two years ago. I would do anything to have one more day with my best friend, who I lost to cancer five years ago. An eternity with my family and friends, yes it is very appealing. Who cares what I will do during day as long as I'm with them.
JW's here only, If, and thats a Big If, would you?
by Celtic in... teach me, if i were to consider returning to your ways of thinking, reasoning and acting?
if i were to be the illustration of the prodigal son, after campaigning for your organisation to change its policies on a few major issues, something that by now the uk branch doesn't seem to like, or appreciate me all that much for.
what would be your immediate welcomeing reception for me?
Faith in Jehovah and his way of doing things is needed. The organization is just that, an organization. It is there for the purpose of taking care of Jehovahs interests on earth. You must accept that. Jesus guides the organization. Who are we to compaign for changes? Are we smarter than Jesus? Are we more capable? I don't think so.
I have always enjoyed the following example: Revelation talks of stars being on Jesus' right hand. Those stars symbolize the elders, those that take the lead. Who are we to try to slap Jesus' hands and tell him that he doesn't know what his doing? Who are we to tell him that he chose the wrong men to lead the way?
See, Jehovah and Jesus are in control of the situation. We must be humble and not think too much of ourselves.
JW's here only, If, and thats a Big If, would you?
by Celtic in... teach me, if i were to consider returning to your ways of thinking, reasoning and acting?
if i were to be the illustration of the prodigal son, after campaigning for your organisation to change its policies on a few major issues, something that by now the uk branch doesn't seem to like, or appreciate me all that much for.
what would be your immediate welcomeing reception for me?
o.k. I'll bite.
What do you want to know?