The expectations put on many, in my mind is too high.
You said it right, "in your mind". It helps to see things from Jehovahs perspective and not our imperfect human perspective.
i had brought my family up in the way of christ, as i believed and we were rarely missing from meetings or field service.
yet as time went on, this regimented form of worship began to have its toll on us.. one meeting night, i found myself sitting at the back of the kingdom hall alone, my wife had begun to miss a number of meetings and my son who was then in his late teens had also stopped going.i felt that i'd failed my family and myself.
yet no matter how i applied myself to study and prayer the watchtower's answer to every problem a witness may have i found no joy in this way of worship and neither would i continue to pretend that i did.
The expectations put on many, in my mind is too high.
You said it right, "in your mind". It helps to see things from Jehovahs perspective and not our imperfect human perspective.
matt 26:41 keep on the watch and pray continually, that you may not enter into temptation.. commentary: .
what would help us to keep on the watch?
while in the garden of gethsemane shortly before his arrest, jesus told three of his apostles the above.
Matt 26:41 “Keep on the watch and pray continually, that you may not enter into temptation.”
What would help us to keep on the watch? While in the garden of Gethsemane shortly before his arrest, Jesus told three of his apostles the above. Years later, Peter gave similar counsel to fellow Christians. He wrote “The end of all things has drawn close. Be sound in mind, therefore, and be vigilant with a view to prayers.” (1 Pet. 4:7) Clearly, fervent prayer should be a part of our Christian routine. (Rom. 12:12; 1 Thess. 5:17) Note that Peter also said “The end of all things has drawn close.” How close? There is no way for humans to pinpoint the exact day and hour. (Matt. 24:36) But there is a difference between indulging in speculation, which the Bible does not encourage, and keeping in expectation of the end, which it does encourage. (2 Tim. 4:3, 4; Titus 3:9) What is one way that we can keep in expectation of the end? It is by paying close attention to the evidence that the end is near. W 1/15/00 11, 12
1 thess.
5:19 "do not put out the fire of the spirit.".
. I can't scan the Crysis of Conscience book for the correspondence that the Governing Body had with the Mexican JWs or the Malawi JWs
Why not? Rip each page, then put on your scanner and scan away. I'm looking forward to it.
Let's face the facts, without your Watchtower Publications, you would not have a ministry.You are a fool if you believe that. We would find a way. Many have tried to stop the Witnesses: Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, La Junta. Where are they now and where are the Witnesses?
1 thess.
5:19 "do not put out the fire of the spirit.".
I have done the research. The "cartillas" are not the same thing as the Malawi political cards. Can't compare the two situations.
1 thess.
5:19 "do not put out the fire of the spirit.".
Read the damn book? I just wanted an image of the political cards. If you are using this as an example of dishonesty, back up your claims. If you can't, shut the hell up.
I don't think you know what a peddler is.
1 thess.
5:19 "do not put out the fire of the spirit.".
So there is not proof?
Also, define peddler.
why are witnessess persecuted?
most religions out there have this thing against witnesses.
many will do anything to get them banned or to shut their mouths.
JT: Yes go on. You're just repeting the same babble over and over and over and over...
1 thess.
5:19 "do not put out the fire of the spirit.".
As regards "las cartillas" I believe YoYoMama could ask any Mexican Witness who has been a part of the organization since that time if they actually forged these cards, while Malawians suffered and died for refusing a political party card.
As proof of this, does anyone have a copy of the political party cards that Mexicans bought and the ones the Malawians were not allowed to get?
why are witnessess persecuted?
most religions out there have this thing against witnesses.
many will do anything to get them banned or to shut their mouths.
We do not judge worldly people. We actually use out time and energy to teach worldly people the ways of Jehovah God. In the end, Jehovah will do the judging, of his own people and the worldly people.
why are witnessess persecuted?
most religions out there have this thing against witnesses.
many will do anything to get them banned or to shut their mouths.
O.K. so I'm computing all the answers...
Basically then Witnesses are persecuted because they teach from the Bible.