I am zanex..today..tomorrow..and for however long I decide to maintain this state of mental psychosis..LOL...as I am stuck with the xjw stigma I guess zanex is here to stay..It aint that bad tho...kinda grew into the name...heh heh..
Posts by zanex
Do you still like your user name?
by JH inat first when we joined, we all choose a user name that would identify us.
we also had the choice of puting a picture next to our user name.
often, some change the picture for a better one.
The Great Pumpkin, er, Memorial Caper
by LDH inwell kids, it is about that time.
i just saw my first post for this year's memorial.. so i thought i would let you all know my plans and see if anyone else is interested.. last year, just to be hypocritical, i partook of emblems at home.
this year, i plan to be front and center at my local kingdumb hall partaking.. i do plan to polish off all the wine in the glass, and perhaps munch a few crackers.. anybody else up for memorial misadventures?
hey lis...for some reason I cant seem to email ya from my puter..grrrr lemme try somethin different..
Did a stranger baptize you?
by JH inshouldn't it have been the person who gave you your bible study, that should have baptized you?
in matthew 28:19,20 it says "go therefore and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit.. the way i see it, it should have been the one who gave you the biblical knowledge, that should have baptized you.
making disciples is phase one, and baptizing them is phase two.
yep probably shud have been somone that I knew but it was some poor shmuck that was probably just as brainwashed as I was at the time...lol...
The Great Pumpkin, er, Memorial Caper
by LDH inwell kids, it is about that time.
i just saw my first post for this year's memorial.. so i thought i would let you all know my plans and see if anyone else is interested.. last year, just to be hypocritical, i partook of emblems at home.
this year, i plan to be front and center at my local kingdumb hall partaking.. i do plan to polish off all the wine in the glass, and perhaps munch a few crackers.. anybody else up for memorial misadventures?
hey lis! Would you prefer the camcorder or the digital camera? Either one works for me...I am down...heh heh heh...get in touch
(grins with an sinister chuckle)
2003 Memorial date?
by comment in.
if anyone knows the date of the 2003 memorial, could they please post it?
hey lis! are ya REALLY gonna go? I would consider making a cameo appearance at a random kingDUMB hall! LOL...first time in a kh since my grand exiting it would be...
2003 Memorial date?
by comment in.
if anyone knows the date of the 2003 memorial, could they please post it?
ahhh once again the memorial falls within the same freakin week as my birthday..I had the distinct misfortune of actually SHARING a birthday with that "religious obervance" LOL dang those words crack me up...I have a shirt just for such an occasion it says.."gods busy...can I help you?" heh heh...
Christmas Feeling
by zanex ini didnt get a chance to post this closer to christmas for my own reasons but i wanted to say something about the christmas with my daughter...she will be 2 on feb 1st so this christmas was the first one that she actively took an interest in and the reaction on her face and her body was incredible...i think for one of the first times ever i felt christmas...i really dont know how to explain but i am sure that ones here will be able to relate.
her little face just smacked of curiosity when she saw the presents then her face just beamed when she opened them one by one.
it warmed hy heart...i have been so cold and frosty for so so long and it just felt so good.
yah..next year I am thinkin bout doin a tree at home too...what a sacreligious idea...LOL
Christmas Feeling
by zanex ini didnt get a chance to post this closer to christmas for my own reasons but i wanted to say something about the christmas with my daughter...she will be 2 on feb 1st so this christmas was the first one that she actively took an interest in and the reaction on her face and her body was incredible...i think for one of the first times ever i felt christmas...i really dont know how to explain but i am sure that ones here will be able to relate.
her little face just smacked of curiosity when she saw the presents then her face just beamed when she opened them one by one.
it warmed hy heart...i have been so cold and frosty for so so long and it just felt so good.
I didnt get a chance to post this closer to christmas for my own reasons but I wanted to say something about the christmas with my daughter...she will be 2 on feb 1st so this christmas was the first one that she actively took an interest in and the reaction on her face and her body was incredible...I think for one of the first times ever I FELT christmas...I really dont know how to explain but I am sure that ones here will be able to relate. Her little face just smacked of curiosity when she saw the presents then her face just BEAMED when she opened them one by one. It warmed hy heart...I have been so cold and frosty for so so long and it just felt so GOOD. I was happy for her but in a small way I was envious...something so basic that even a child can comprehend I have a difficulty with...sigh...damn jw's...at any rate...it was a first for me...I think I felt some small spark of christmas without feeling the urge to rebut it...
a spark was lit
a light unknown before
a childs innocence and clarity revealed
a feeeling I had never known
my daughter..my little girl...
I learned inside of her eyes
learned looking through her soul
her gift to me...
a gift priceless to me
yet something small to her
I understood.
if only for a moment or two...
some part of that remains still
it warms me every time I wake
I rocks me when I struggle to sleep
such a small thing it was
her smile, her eyes the way they twinkled with glee
I felt no longer a jw..I felt free...
Thank you my daughter...daddy luvs u...
this is my first christmas that I think I understood and FELT...I wanted to post it..what a way to start off the new year!!!!
HELP!!! I need a name
by bluesapphire inwe can't agree on a name for our soon to be born baby boy.. i love the name tristen.
he hates it.. he wants a basic name like bobby, tony, etc.. is there a name that sounds like tristen but isn't?.
give me some ideas if you can.
before my DAUGHTER was born I bounced around some boy names...dante struck out at me the most...had a girl tho...named her justine...LOVE havin a baby girl! Proud DADDY GRIN :)
Is There ANYTHING That Would Make You Go Back?
by SpannerintheWorks incould the wbts change anything about it's beliefs that would entice you back to the religion?.
or are you firmly against the wbts no matter what?.
even if it changed it's rules on shunning, blood, "worldly things" ?.
I would sooner tie my tounge to an exhaust pipe and let a car drag me naked 12 miles down a bumpy, gravelly, road...in short HELL NO.