actually its funny that u mention the syrons lol..ed and mike were on my judicial comittee to df me.. LOL I do know those names damn thats funny. LOL
Posts by zanex
Santa Fe, NM
by zanex inanyone here from the santa fe nm area?
doubt it but worth a be from the years of 89,90-2001,2002 i was in the santa fe south cong...
My poetry for you to enjoy , ( i hope )
by wildfire inbehind the walls of darkness, can the light shine thru???.
will our minds allow us to seek the cherished memories or relive the tortured days of youth.. do we dare to give up a piece of our sanity to envision a happier time.......... the tears are real, the fears keep us from exposing our vulnerbility,,, do we risk becoming a pawn...... the clock ticks away,, the stage is set..,,,will our performance be the one they want to see... and if its not, does that mean life was just a game to be won or lost????????.
behind the walls we see things more clearly if only for a moment.....we dare to expose our lives to people unknown to us.......... will the light be a source of comfort or another roadblock meant for a meaningless search of unanswered question?????????
hmm lemme try my hand at some of this...
spinning, revolving 'round a "glorious" light
our lives dedicated, given, sacrified to faith
thoughts confined, reduced, tucked away to rot
our freedom of thought shriveling away into a waif
loving ones family turning into a religious wall
loving no more, only stumbling into a fall
we lose everything we had know
to gain a truth that never were we to be shown
truth being something as simple as a word
so profound
so on we stumble and drift
hoping and re-discovering life...
living with love..freely
I only recently begin to grasp the REAL truth
the REAL "unconditionals" in life
no longer bound to a collection of "guidelines"
that have brought me grief, and strife
Freedom of thought is mine
Freedom of speech is my right
they can no longer stop my heart
they can no longer control my sight...
A newbie says hello
by Icansaylucky inhello, i've been a lurker for about a year now and finally decided to register and start posting.
i don't have time to tell my story right now, but plan on doing so soon.
i guess i'm putting it off as i'm not sure where to start without it being a book.
welcome..this forum is a good place to hang...chill...and just be accepted without any type of religious bias. ;)
How would you react if you found out....
by Makena1 ina jw who formerly treated you badly when you were a dub, shunned and treated you even worse when you left - leaves the borg and is now a fellow ex-jw?.
has anyone ever had this happen to them?.
would you try to work out your differences?
this is a very good question...I honestly dont know what I would do...whether I have it in me to be able to forgive one of those original dubs that made life so hard for me is questionable. I would like to think that I would be able to but the sad reality is that i havent been faced with that situatin an I have a feeling that I would reject them...only time will tell the answer to that one
Santa Fe, NM
by zanex inanyone here from the santa fe nm area?
doubt it but worth a be from the years of 89,90-2001,2002 i was in the santa fe south cong...
the name sounds familiar but cant place it..sounds very familiar...I was still heavily using narcotics durin those pops might know him better he is still in the santafe area and still a practicing jw...
Santa Fe, NM
by zanex inanyone here from the santa fe nm area?
doubt it but worth a be from the years of 89,90-2001,2002 i was in the santa fe south cong...
hey there...its possible...I aint in santa fe no more not for a few years now but it still haunts me...whats yer pops name?
Birthday List
by nicolaou inc'mon guys, we can celebrate our birthdays!!!.
post your birthdate here and let us know how you want to get your 'birthday card' (email, post on the board, text message, soaped-up kyliegram!).
my birthday is october 16th and i'd be happy to receive any of the above.. .
april the 12th 1975...this is a good posting idea...birthday recognition..
Santa Fe, NM
by zanex inanyone here from the santa fe nm area?
doubt it but worth a be from the years of 89,90-2001,2002 i was in the santa fe south cong...
anyone here from the santa fe nm area? Doubt it but worth a be from the years of 89,90-2001,2002 I was in the santa fe south cong...
any one here remember me?
by airwlk149 inhi guys!
i don't remember if any one here remembers me, but i used to come in here all the time back in the day (like 11/01-07/02) i remember lilacs, naeblis, reborn2002, oh shit, i would know them if i saw them but i can't really remember the screen names.... any ways, hi!!!!!!!!!
i moved up to portland, oregon for the last 3 and 1/2 months and now i am back in sacramento, ca.
I member yer name coming up on the board back in the nice to see an older familiar name pop up again. welcome back..
in a word?