This just confirms what I have already seen from you; which are that you will go to any length to support your perceived truth. The Bible states God are truth. I can not separate truth from intellectual honesty.
It is for certain you are not ever going to be able to understand this because of your love affair with the ego (mind/intellect). You like most all unbelievers do not recognize the Godforce within you and therefore will never tap it.
Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for. The power in it is because it defies reason. Intellect is its enemy. It is why I have arrived at these following principles to live by. First is only to believe that which benefis me.
Most things the intellect motivates you to believe are negative. It for most people is natural to think in negative ways. It takes great determination to think in ways that benefit us. Always one should count his blessings rather than his troubles. One should always believe he capable of doing and achieving that which is important for him. One should always trust in God to combat fear and to have a sense of security.
This ability is incredibly important. A case in point is the Oprah show yesterday. It had two segments which highlighted women that combatted and confronted their worse fears or phobias. One woman was afraid of heights but when trained and assisted to believe everything was safe she scaled down the side of a skyscraper. Another woman was afraid of closed places. She crawled through a long, dark maze they created which was extremely liberating for her to have seen the light at the end of the tunnel. The point of all this is that the key to successfully dealing with ones fears is to think in ways or make yourself believe you are safe. Being realistic and following the intellect doesnt help at all. Doing that is the very reason for ones fears in the first place.
People that say be realistic are only encouraging pessimism. There is no benefit in thinking pessimistic and it should be each man obligation to force themselves to think optimistically. That is not ignoring facts. It is merely casting the event in the best possible light.
It is making the best of all situations. To feel obligated to the intellect puts us on a road to failure.
You are just like the religious leaders who condemned Galileo. The Bible doesnt teach that Earth is the center of the universe, but they had their preconceived belief and they used intellectual dishonesty to condemn those whose beliefs were different then their current worldview or beliefs. The Bible does not say how God created the universe, earth, man or the animals. It just states that he did create them. Yet you have a preconceived view and you condemn me when I ask simple questions. You stated: "I am not a believer that everything the Bible says is to be taken literally."
Saying you are wrong about something is not condemnation. Don't be so melodramatic.
I am not condemning anybody. You believe what you want and accept the blessings or maledictions that come with that belief.
I for certain do not believe everything in the Bible is to be taken literally. But I will not concede it has other meaning unless it is clearly evident it could not be literally true. If I have any problem rectifying something the Bible says as being literally true then I choose to believe that I wish and which benefits me. It is foolish and defeatist to think in other way.
I believe nobody dies until he gives up on life. I personally believe I cannot die until my mission in life is accomplished. I believe the angels protect me and often perform miracles of salvation on my behalf. I remember years ago while working at nights I would often on the drive home be so tired
I would often arrive home having no idea how I got there. After a number of occasions I realized the angels were taking over and driving me home. From that point on I didn't ever worry about the possibilty of fallng asleep as I knew the angels were protecting me. I would on these occasions as I knew the angels would drive for me.
I don't think it the slightest bit important that you think evolution is the means that God created the earth or that even the belief man hatched from a egg, etc. As long as you realize the God is our creator and the Most High in all the earth God is satisfied. All the other stuff is mute. That doesn't mean I don't have strong opinions on the subject and am happy to debate them when invited.
I aso do not believe it necessary to believe in God to also believe in the inspiration of the Bible. God is God under whatever name one calls him. The gift that comes from believing God is the Holy Spirit which teaches us all that is important we know. This includes the appreciation of the Bibles inspiration.. It however is the reward and not the requirement for a right relationship with God.
I just watched the movie The First Knight with Richard Gere. It was a story about Sir Lancelot, King Arthur and Camelot. It clearly emphasizes the power of faith. The mightiest do not always win. If you fight for right and believe God is on your side you will prevail despite what the "intellect" tells you.
The accusation of intellectual dishonesty used by unbelievers is misused as much much as apostate is by JWs. I understand what I am being accused of from the unbelievers perspective and from that perspective only I am guilty.
I have no guilt about it. I therefore wear the label proudly because in reality it is I that am the one being truly intelligently honest. You say that you like to debate different points of view other than your real beliefs. You get offended when someone is fooled by your facade and takes you at your word and judges you accordingly.
Do you not regard that as intellectual dishonesty. You would attempt to prove a contrary viewpoint to your actual belief using the same evidence which looked at from a different perspective prove the opposing viewpoint. If the truth is so unimportant you can do that who is it that is intellectually dishonest, you or me. I would say that correctly intellectual dishonesty is not engaging in negative thinking but believing and proclaiming only that you really believe no matter what.
There is only one thing that is now a sin before God. All other things once condemned by law has been blanketly forgiven. Failure to believe in the ransom sacrafice (God) is the only sin left as it is the unforgivable sin tht the ransom can't cover.This is the one sin that human weakness is no excuse for.
God never condemns men. Men only condemn themselves by their rejecting the ransom sacrafice (God). Disconnection from God is spiritual death.