I went to an IC many years ago with my parents. I remember the elders meeting with us because, even though my parents were more than qualified, they had great concerns over me. My parents were fussing and fretting over the fact that I was holding them back from a great opportunity because of my unchristian attitude. In the end, we went. I enjoyed the trip but, I wonder if my parent's realized that it would be cheaper and hassle free if they had just booked a package trip with a travel agent and forgot about this IC arrangement to have a vacation. But then they'd have to interact with worldly people.....
JoinedPosts by zenpunk
Are you good enoughto attend?
by eyeslice inare you good enough to attend an international 2003 district conventions?.
other threads have brought up the subject of the planned 2003 district conventions ( http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=34494&site=3 ), but do you qualify to attend a convention in another land?.
according to the official letter, no one is to make private travel arrangements but must go through the official channels.
Where You "overlooked" for Cong. Priv...
by stevieb1 inpicture the scene:.
you are a young single brother with no other jw family members.
you manage to tot up 90hrs a month in "field service";spend five hours per week preparing your watchtower for the study, however you are not an extremely extrovert person and don't try to "impress" the elders and the co. it seems though that this "spiritual" person never seems to be appointed as a ms or an excesively long time passes by before he does become such.
When my husband walked out on the "truth" right after returning from Pioneer School my father was so upset. He said, "Why'd he leave now! He could become an MS within 6 months because he went to Pioneer School!"
Poll results are in!
by Bleep inhere is a list of solutions that were made so far:.
"god is a culturally postulated superhuman being.".
"well a thing is an "entity" so i'm going with god being a thing!!!".
You're 29 bleep? You need to marry a nice sister. Or go to Bethel. Why are you wasting time arguing with those who are going to die when the end comes?
Poll results are in!
by Bleep inhere is a list of solutions that were made so far:.
"god is a culturally postulated superhuman being.".
"well a thing is an "entity" so i'm going with god being a thing!!!".
(GASP) Slander! That's a big scary JW word that I used to hear a lot! It's only slander if it's false darlin'.
Poll results are in!
by Bleep inhere is a list of solutions that were made so far:.
"god is a culturally postulated superhuman being.".
"well a thing is an "entity" so i'm going with god being a thing!!!".
I still like Crazy's poll better - I have that right.
Poll results are in!
by Bleep inhere is a list of solutions that were made so far:.
"god is a culturally postulated superhuman being.".
"well a thing is an "entity" so i'm going with god being a thing!!!".
LOL at Crazy! I like your poll better.
August KM Fall Out
by writerpen ini'm curious to know if anyone has noticed different behavior from their dub family and friends since the aug. km about disfellowshipped ones.
i've noticed that my mother is no longer emailing me, nor is she responding to my emails.
i really wish that she would just come out directly and state that she will no longer talk to me instead of just ignoring everything, thinking i will go away.
I was shunned long before this KM came out. Now my parents can sit back at the meeting with a smile and know they're doing what's right.
Last Days Reconsidered?
by comforter inanybuddy in this place still believe we living in last days?
the signs of the times look clear.
child kidnappings, serial killers, wars, suicide and homicide bombers and more problems than you shake stick at.
Comforter - Yes it does appear that evil in the world is accelerating. However, mass communication has accelerated as well. All these things have always happened. Today we have AIDS. 300 Years ago we had the Plague. I found out that the town right accross the river from me was entirely wiped out by Influenza in the year 1918. But see, in the past you didn't hear about it because there was no mass communication. Today you hear about everything everywhere, and that's why it seems so much worse.
Should I Go To College?
by joeshmoe inlike a typical witness goody-goody-two-shoes, i eschewed college in favor of "theocratic pursuits" when i was a teen (i.e.
over 5 yrs at bethel).
now, at age 26, with my eyes opened and purged of the witness insanity, im thinking about college again.
I started college at 25. I graduate next May. What can I say - go! - it will change your life. Now how I managed to pay for it.
First, attend the first 2 years at a Community College where it's a lot cheaper - then transfer your 60 credits to a good 4 year school (the name of the expensive college will be on your diploma. Now - how to pay for the expensive school. I got a Stafford Loan to start with. Once you've put in a couple of good semesters, there are scholarships you can apply for. This last year I have the advantage of a Part Time Adult Women's Scholarship to help me out.
Listen to everyone - it's not too late - you can do it!
CNN/Connie Chung/silentlambs
by silentlambs inwednesday evening at 7:00 pm cst there will be an airing of an interview with myself, heidi and amber with connie chung.
there may be an additional followup on thursday.
enjoy this wt.
Got the tivo all setup - that way I'm sure not to miss it. Thanks for the heads up.