I'm in Cuba so it is hard for me to keep up communication - I heard this from a close family member. Please email me at [email protected]. I too know about Rugby's two congregations merging. 6 months for good behavior.. this man, james barratt of rugby england was put in prision last summer for molesting boys, including one of my relatives.
the fact that he is only going to spend a year in jail sickens me.
not being familiar with the british court system, i need to ask the board: is there a parole hearing like in the us?
I'm in Cuba so it is hard for me to keep up communication - I heard this from a close family member. Please email me at [email protected]. I too know about Rugby's two congregations merging. 6 months for good behavior.. this man, james barratt of rugby england was put in prision last summer for molesting boys, including one of my relatives.
the fact that he is only going to spend a year in jail sickens me.
not being familiar with the british court system, i need to ask the board: is there a parole hearing like in the us?
The original sentence was only 2 years - in itself a crime. He is currently in Rissley prison in Warrington, UK. I'm going to do some research to find out if something can be done before his release to basically prevent it.
i was reading an article in "jane" magazine today that talks about women child molesters.
it said up to 40% of molestations may be done by women, it's just that its far more underreported than males.
so, anyone know of any jw women molesters?
I dated someone years ago who was molested at the age of 12 by a 28 year old woman. He was really traumatized by it. Apparently she would seriously assault him - yanking his pants down around his ankles and pulling him on top of her while he screamed. It really affected him later in life - I felt so bad, he really had a hard time with relationships with women because of it. In the end he left the JWs and chose an alternative lifestyle, which was much more comfortable considering his terrible past. 6 months for good behavior.. this man, james barratt of rugby england was put in prision last summer for molesting boys, including one of my relatives.
the fact that he is only going to spend a year in jail sickens me.
not being familiar with the british court system, i need to ask the board: is there a parole hearing like in the us?
He's been moved from one prison to another three times - hopefully because someone wanted to molest him. I have put in a phone call to find out what jail he's in now.
Yea - its real ironic that he disfellowshipped those he molested! Is that sick or what?!?
Maybe we can pull together to do a letter writing campaign. 6 months for good behavior.. this man, james barratt of rugby england was put in prision last summer for molesting boys, including one of my relatives.
the fact that he is only going to spend a year in jail sickens me.
not being familiar with the british court system, i need to ask the board: is there a parole hearing like in the us?
I wonder if he's going to walk right out of jail and on to the platform - and, if he does, will people be smart enough to get up and walk out. And, you're right Scully - what's the WTS so afraid of? He was found guilty in a court of law. What disgusts me too is that his family is sticking by him, saying he did nothing wrong, that, and I quote, "it was Jehovah's will so he could witness to unfortunate people in prison"!
He was led off to prison clutching a copy of the New World Translation with his handcuffed hands.
But - still my question is - is there any way anyone can stop him from being released so soon? 6 months for good behavior.. this man, james barratt of rugby england was put in prision last summer for molesting boys, including one of my relatives.
the fact that he is only going to spend a year in jail sickens me.
not being familiar with the british court system, i need to ask the board: is there a parole hearing like in the us? 6 months for good behavior.
This man, James Barratt of Rugby England was put in prision last summer for molesting boys, including one of my relatives. The fact that he is only going to spend a year in jail sickens me. Not being familiar with the British court system, I need to ask the board: Is there a parole hearing like in the US? If so, can people go and testify to try to stop the early release from prison? Please let me know - if there is a way to keep this monster in jail, I would gladly hop on a plane and do it!
PS - He hasn't even been D/F'd yet 'cause he is threatening to sue if the congregation D/Fs him!
does anyone know who approves candidates to attend the international assemblies and what the qualifications are?
i know of a family that was "approved" to attend one of next summers international conventions.
all but one family member was invited.
I attended an international convention in 1991 in Budapest, Hungary. I almost didn't get to go because the elders said they had a hard time with my unspiritual attitude. The reason for this was that I once told the PO's son that he was misapplying a scripture. In the end they decided to let me go, saying that it would probably help me.
So, being spiritual or not probably has little to do with it. It may be that an elder just does not like him, etc. In fact if he's been trying for MS for a long time and has not won the position - it probably means someone is against him.
i was watching the news last night.
the latest word from the war front is that we should be able to peaceably work out our differences with north korea.
as humiliating as it will be for us to kiss north korea's ass, we will do so because they do have the ability to nuke our west coast.
I'll ask the Cuban people what they think when I'm there next week....
with 2002 almost consigned to history, how was it for you?
how would you sum up your 2002?
nah, this isn't a poll; we do those on the weekends!!
A bittersweet year - with some of the best and worst memories of my life.
you know how the society pushes every one to do more, and more, and more....and those who don't do more without a super valid reason (like you're in a coma), are considered not "spiritual", right?
ok, they also tell single brothers and sisters who are pioneers or bethelites that they should only consider marrying those with the same spiritual other words....choose some one who "loves" jehovah just as much, meaning one who preaches 120 hours a month or works in bethel,etc.....right?
....well i think it is so unfair.. it's already bad enough that we cannot look at another human being from the opposite sex because they are not witnesses (never mind that they are excellent human beings, ones that would ashame many jws)....we also have to keep from falling in love with a pioneer or bethelite (if you are not one, because he or she will not give you the time of day) or from falling in love with a mere publisher ( if you are a pioneer , because the elders will suggest to let it go, and they will try and try until you give it up)( i've witnessed a huge case...that ended in a bethelite and a pioneer dying, litterally) isn't that appaling?
This is like reading part of my life's story. Actually when I was 18 I fell madly in love with a Bethelite. He got so much slack about it 'cause I wasn't "good sister" material. So, he eventually left the Farm and went home and that was that. I got in touch with him this year and met up with him. What an arrogant pr^&k! Made me happy to realize, by marrying Joe-Schmo publisher and quietly leaving the Witnesses, I had made some very good decisions in my life after all!
PS - Welcome!