"While in no way condoning the deplorable treatment of the POWs, I am incredulous that ANYone with any humanitarian sense would try to equate the military RESERVISTS stupid treatment of Iraqi POWs to that of Saddam's regime."
This is so so true. And it is so good to see that America will punish these people....of course they really have no choice but to, now it's out. They would keep it quiet if they could though. See their reluctance to even begin an inquiry into a massare of taliban by the NA and overseen by America CIA dudes. That got a good airing down here in Australia. But thats just crazy talk
ooops about guantanamo....no accountability again. But they're just criminals and don't deserve a fair trial.
But, yes it is really really good the US will punish these reservist dudes. And it is really really good they punished Sadam, but only after he threatened their oil in 91 did they start paying him attention Not that the US could have given a damn about his abuse of kurds before hand. It was the do gooder Left that had to first published that issue, if you go check your facts, back in 87...and prior abuses by Saddam. The US couldn't careless about it back then, they were too busy being buddy buddies with Saddam. The double standards disgust me too.