I thought the chinese love cats?
crispy moggy in ginger and a bottle of tiger beer thanks
cat lovers,.
of all the cats you have owned, which one was your favorite pussy?
I thought the chinese love cats?
crispy moggy in ginger and a bottle of tiger beer thanks
i wish to make a comment on something that disturbs me deeply to the point i cannot let it pass or be ignored.
a little over a year ago i resigned as an elder to protest wt policy and how it hurt children.
the impetus that brought me to that conclusion was a child i knew personally that was in danger.
G'day MadApostate,
1. The Link works.I get half linked to a forum of some kind.
2. Tina deserved all the crap she got. In a thread, one of whose subplots was "equal rights", she lambasts others, but then runs to the authority figure when she got back what she dished out.
What has that to do with what I just said? All I questioned was the shallow nonsensical responces you gave over there. Neither of us could work out what you were saying. Now if you'd used your English language skills there as you have here ... LOL
3. You can go FUCK YOURSELF. I don't have to take my time to explain myself to you. Try reading my 875+ posts in the past 7 months.Pleasent thoughts aside, (any fuck sounds good to me right now) All i was asking was for a link to something that tells me more about your nature. All i've seen so far are one liners, links to the thoughts of others etc... The search goes on for an interesting MA post... Not flattered by this little fluffy butts attention eh? Sounds as if Silentlambs isn't by yours either. You plan on addressing the issue at hand here or what?
i wish to make a comment on something that disturbs me deeply to the point i cannot let it pass or be ignored.
a little over a year ago i resigned as an elder to protest wt policy and how it hurt children.
the impetus that brought me to that conclusion was a child i knew personally that was in danger.
Hey Mad Apostate,
I've just been reading a few of your posts trying to work you out. This is the second good person i've seen you stir up in two days. What gives with the shallow crap responces like the ones to Tina and this one here? Forgive me if we've met before this place can be confusing and we move in different. I don't know how much time i can dedicate to plumbing your depths. Any clues as to your outlook? (I kept trying your link in the tina thread but it was a dud.)
I don't follow the silentlambs thing but it looks to me like you owe the guy more than a pathetic unoriginal one liner.
curious unclebruce.
'can't elope' eli? what about bibleman (he's a fruit 'n nut) and available too .. hehehe
after reading dear yo yo mudda's question about whether or not each of us is df'd and for what reason, i was at first thoroughly pissed off at someone making such and inquiry.
after reading the other responses, it was clear my angst was shared by many.
i began to think how similiar yo yo's demeanor is to old yk.. naw, couldn't be.
LOL@ Room 215,
I'd give YouKnow a wide berth but SirFred? I'd pay cash and que up half a day in the rain to see that guy conduct a watchtower study. It'd be freak'n hillarious.
SirFRED: Q: "what did the original porpoise of Jehovah's plan?"
unclebruce: A: "so jonah got vomited on his beach"
sorry xena,
I skipped school the day they did fruit and veg .. ok, i'll have coconuts
minister/elder thinking of starting a ministry that caters to individuals out of fundementalist religions.
a fellowship that focuses on the role of jesus as savior but does not require those gathering to believe in any strict interpertation of scripture.
i have been approached by different non-denominational ministers in my area to act as an associate pastor of their churches and provide an outreach program for former j.w.. some have even indicated that such a ministry might prove usefull for many after having left the watchtower.
:::What could you possibly offer that a person could not get by taking a walk in the woods?
I mean honestly, what could you possibly offer another human in regards to their relationship with god?
The world doesn't need another religion does it? Not even another denomination, branch, or "fellowship", does it?
I just don't think you're entering into the $pirit of thi$ thread, i mean here's a guy who can $tart his own domination, opportunitie$ like that don't come everyday ..
unclebru$e who recon$ NoDread $hould take Loopy-libra'$ hint and make a mot$a
PS: Are Christians getting shallower or am I getting deeper? Seriously, between NoDread and libra_spirit i feel nauseous. You folks ars sick. All this "helping" people by setting traps in the name of religion is just disgusting. I don't know how you sleep nights, you should be ashamed of yourselves.
what the WBTS can't repudiate they vilify
have you ever heard that the wbts in rare cases nullify ones baptisim?.
in france, a jw who was dying in his bed with aids, confessed to the elders, his homosexual relations.
the elders not knowing what to do, contucted the bethel of france.
I believe it can be done. If and only if, the " bad " practice was commited before ones baptism and then carried through and practised continuously after ones baptism, the baptism is regarded as beingYou are dead set amazing! ROTFL! unc.
" falso ".Example : one guy i know well was smoking fags ( not joelbear lights...i mean winni blues ) before he got dunked, and continued practicing this through and after, got busted with the durry.... then indicated to the bosses that he never had quit before dunking took place actually. They reasoned it as a no-dunker!! Maybe this french poofter brother had a similar circumstance, maybe he was a pillow bitter before and remained a fudge masher after which rendered him a no-dunker ?!
Methinks their logic may be sound and may even be scriptural.
a simple question for serious jw's:.
according to this sunday's newspaper suppliment a common snail travels at 24 inches/hour (60cm/hr).
i've got snails in my garden and i've just crunched some math on my super scientific pocket calculator.
Hey Cellomould,
How did you know about my "around the world and drop 'em off as Noah went" theory? lol. I even had one fundy tell me Noah's ark was really a flying saucer. When I asked about gravity waves and the electrical conductivity of Gopher wood from Shittim he disappeared .. i guess i wasn't spiritual enough to discus the deeper things of God.
With global warming the snowline of the Australian alps, just 2 hours drive from here, is lowering and causing high mountain streams to dry up. There are a number of fresh water fish and other unique species severely threatened because of it. If the Noah "drop 'em off as you go" theory is correct old Noah was a busy Patriach indeed.
Here's something not many people know: Egyptian King Tuts famous mask was made of Gold mined in Australia. True. West Australian gold. True history is often stranger than fiction.
PS: My "250,000 species" includes marine animals. (but it's the only number i can remmember)
a simple question for serious jw's:.
according to this sunday's newspaper suppliment a common snail travels at 24 inches/hour (60cm/hr).
i've got snails in my garden and i've just crunched some math on my super scientific pocket calculator.
Sorry Englishman,
I don't do smut. I've a weak stomach and I've had a beef vindaloo tonight so stop this dirty chit chat before you send me riding the porcelain taxi to Tijuana.