Boy I'm glad jjrizo isn't here to send this conversation on an anti-jew rag.
Would you say the USA is anti-Ohio? Or anti-Texas?
I'm from Pa, so in my opinion, we don't do nearly enough to suppress Cleveland and Dallas. Those imperialist turkeys! gun them down! I'm from the only northern state that can rally a cheer when the Stars and Bars drop! Yee-haw!
We are in the grip of things we don't understand. The only way to be happy is to pursue the path of Christ - not pacifist, but restrained.
Ah, so I sip my coffee and wish I could join the army. I'm disabled, however, so I can only salute my brave brothers who do their duty and wish them a merry Christmas.
I also ask that they remember what John said to the military members of his day, "Do not be harassing anybody." Which means, do your duty as you see fit, however, treat all humans, especially our enemy civilians, with the courtesy and kindness they deserve. If you have to kill somebody, well, c'est la guerre, but if you don't have to, I trust you won't.