Build'em, Bomb 'em, Bury 'em!
Death to Saddam!
Build'em, Bomb 'em, Bury 'em!
Death to Saddam!
And after I ate the strawberry, I pulled out my jungle knife and made me a rug. And then I hunted down the tiger's family, and made rugs out of them! and then I enslaved the natives, put all the men to the sword, forced myself upon the women, and lived a riotous life in a hall thatched with gold and blood.
And I caught the first tiger, put him in chains, and starved him to death.
CZAR of the Zen Don't Mess With Me Class
this site helps explain some people's reservations about child abuse allegations..
why is it so important that incompetent people (ie.
the elders) not be allowed to be the investigative, judicial, and enforcement arms in these kind of cases?
This site helps explain some people's reservations about child abuse allegations.
Why is it so important that incompetent people (ie. the elders) NOT be allowed to be the investigative, judicial, and enforcement arms in these kind of cases? Because even the authorities can pull a wrong confession out of a child, let alone a person without any training in these matters whatsoever, thereby tarring an innocent for life.
It works the other way, when incompetents do not pursue these matters correctly.
hello all.. i used to think, early 1999 to be precise, that i might be following satan and sininng against the holy spirit by deliberatley leaving the organization.
in my list of 30-odd nails in my jw coffin i have this.
i thought it might help the lurkers who wonder the same.. peace.
They just had an article about this: they said that anyone who opposes what God's power is umdeniably accomplishing is committing the unforgivable sin.
they then mentioned apostates, with that snide, self-satisfied air of complacency - they've scared the faithful yet again with this stupid doctrine.
My interpretation is that the unforgivable sin can only be committed by groups of people, not individuals - ie. the Pharisees committed the unforgivable sin as a group when they said that Jesus cast out demons by means of Beelzebub. When collectively they stooped to that level, they forfeited any right they had to partake of God's holy spirit and let it guide them as a group of religious leaders - although apparently some of these former opposers later came to be Christians.
This would explain how an individual can always turn to God and humbly let his spirit guide them in their lives, while explaining Jesus' remarks about unforgivable trespasses.
i was never a pioneer, so i don't know.
i am just guessing from the ones i knew, and by their actions.
the posting a little while ago about pioneers who were on welfare made me think of this.. i wonder how many pioneered simply for the social aspect of it, compared to how many really felt it in their heart.. here is an example to think about.
My parents were converts - and they were the strictest people about keeping their time going and whatnot.
After my brother went insane, I loosened up a lot. Then things just kept falling apart, and the strictness just wasn't working or accomplishing anything - like no stopping for more than 15 minutes? Give me a break, literally...
It was the Oakdale Diner's pecan rolls that converted me to the Breakfast Club - one hour sitting and drinking coffee and eating those tasty nectar joys!
i am totally disgusted about what i have learned over this past year.
we all have been betrayed and lied to.
i am particularly disturbed that the elders and others in authority felt that it was their right to keep the rank and file in ignorance over the molestation issue.
I'm beyond fury, and out the other side, where anger and happiness blend together in an intoxicating beverage for the immortal Cruelty in my mind...
since over a year, the president of the us is talking about war in iraq.
and when we watch cnn or programs like meet the press, i find that they give too much information to the enemy.
they say how the us will attack iraq.
Sometimes, probably.
However, it's not going to do Saddam much good to know that two armored divisions are coming across the desert - he can't stop them. And what good is it if he knows that the B3 bombers take off in Missouri? they'll still tear his ass apart.
they confronted the elder who served in his investigation who said he would not talk on camera but instead sent a letter that said since mike was 17 when he came to them they did not have to report.
Yeah, I'm with farkel and revmalik on this one.
The Society is so in love with their "position" as "shepherds of God's flock" and "leaders into the New World", as well as being condescending that this old world is not working out and needs Divine direction - that they take on themselves the authority to be our judges and police. The thing is they suck at it.
They took on this role, enamored as they were with their "prophetic role", to play the prince over us and judge us like they can make all the rules a society needs.
They took on more than they could handle, no wonder they fucked it up.
If they'd just been humble enough to let "caesar's" world police itself like the Bible says they should in matters of criminality. Anyway, I'm out of there and thank Heaven.
i'm curious about your opinions, post jw.
please refrain from serving me a swedish chef smorgasboard of quoted/pasted materials.
i don't read them anyway.
I'm curious about your opinions, post JW. Please refrain from serving me a Swedish Chef smorgasboard of quoted/pasted materials. I don't read them anyway. 30 words should cover the truth if there is one - if not, seek ye Occam's Razor.
as many here hubby has terminal cancer.
well hospice came today and we discussed many things.
one of them was a 'pastor of your choice".
A congregation is supposed to be a social safety net - providing support when the bottom falls out of our lives. This religion fails, and does so spectacularly, because it claims to be divinely perfected - and yet these kinds of situations keep coming up. Stay strong, Snoozy, the Lord is with you.
I'm beginning to think that religion and God are as far apart as politics and God.
I am firmly convinced, in my own heart, that God is Love, and if we call upon him, he will make everything all right - in the long run. Death is not the end, merely the culmination of a transition that began at birth.
May you have peace, even amidst your sorrow.