How refreshing! Thank you, faithful and discreet slave, for another wonderful spiritual banquet!
upon arriving i ran into lots of old friends and really enjoyed seeing everyone and visiting.
they dont know that im currently struggling with doubts about the organization and they think that im the same old zealous brother.
i couldnt help but feel a sence of guilt visiting with them about our current number of publishers and how many we had pioneering ect.
How refreshing! Thank you, faithful and discreet slave, for another wonderful spiritual banquet!
i ran across the following and it spawned the previous.
i'm sure houston isn't the only town with this service?. .
Probably not worth the cash...
it's really rough on me!
not to whine, while the czarina is being so brave, but... i'm going to anyway.. i am getting most of the symptoms!
i taste blood in my mouth, i am so scatterbrained i can't think right, my sleep patterns are all over the map!
Maybe if you put her in a tent in the garden so her hormones weren't so close your symptoms would reduce ?!
I suggested this. Let's just say that it was nixed by committee decision. apparently she gets two votes now that she's got a baby. This outweighs my one and a half "Husbandly Headship" votes.
Czar you are so darn sweet. Wow in just a few months you'll be rocking that baby in a rocking chair. Telling her/him all about the movie Hellraiser and how your character made such a difference in the world! LOL Anyway, do your parents know they will be grandparents?
Yeah, we told my parents about three weeks ago. And we told the in-laws on Christmas eve. My wife had some little Christmas ornament that said "Grandma" on it and gave it to my mother in law to unwrap. Took her a couple seconds to figure it out. Then, boom! On went the waterworks.
We also bought some stuff from definitely check it out!!!
I don't know why, but it's cool somehow (not the trouble, the fact) it's like you arr truly connected even physically to your Czarina ...
It is oddly reassuring; like we were meant to be together, or something. Although here I am awake at four in the morning, thirsty as hell, and it definitely seems less than enjoyable for the nonce.
Czar: LOL Ya Thunder had a lot of my symptoms too LOL You will survive and for you the birth will be a snap
I wish I had a Harley to help me get to Lamaze... har har har...
thank you for your thoughts and concerns everybody. *sniffles and looks brave* I'll be fine. Don't worry about ME.
PS: I did want to say that this has been the best thing for the czarina. Her depression is better, her weight is dropping (not unusual, but still healthy) and she has been sleeping much more soundly. I thought I had healing powers, but who knew they worked like THIS? *pats his loins proudly*
this week in uk, there starts a new 6 week series to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the liberation of auschwitz.
personally, i do not like cinema films about the holocaust and, therefore, have never watched things like shindler's list or the pianist.
I once saw a film about a Jewish anti-Semite. No lie. It was based on a true story. I forget what it was called, but the kid had a monologue about "why we hate the Jews." And his point was, we just do. We hate them because they blend in with us, we hate them when they separate themselves, we hate them when they work, we hate them when they don't... on and on... until it was just an "animal reaction" he called it, to the word "Jew".
Anti-semitism is a mental illness, an obsession that, ironically enough, begins with the traditionally Mosaic fixation on purity, cleanliness, and geneology.
My advice? Quit worrying about bullshit and get on with the things in your life that you CAN change. Like the hardness of your heart, or the bitterness of your soul.
if you guys are witness.
did any of you bother to find out if bethel approved this website????????.
if you have looked on some of these topics to choose from you would know that witness are neutral on topics on political debts.
Got us a live one on the end of this line, eh?
thank goodness, a judge with some sense!.
here's a quote:but the judge disagreed: "while evolution is subject to criticism, particularly with respect to the mechanism by which it occurred, the sticker misleads students regarding the significance and value of evolution in the scientific community.
The origin of life, or abiogenesis, is not part of evolution as it's normally defined in science. Evolution, as Darwin himself was careful to state, is concerned only with what happened with life after its origin. Of course, lots of people, including incautious scientists, often lump evolution and abiogenesis together, but that's more of a philosophical or even metaphysical discussion.
Truth. But the sticker in and of itself does not contradict anything we know to be true; besides, without knowing what is IN the textbook, it is hard to know whether it is necessary to leave a "door" of critical thinking open. Some textbooks include abiogenesis as part of the "fact" of evolution. Some even use outmoded understandings of evolutionary processes! Should these be presented as the "facts" on which a student can build a life? Or should they be presented as possibilities, with greater or lesser bodies of evidence which can be weighed - and leaves the decision of belief in the lap of those who should make the choice, ie. the students themselves? After all, they have to live with the consequences of their choices.
And the sticker doesn't reference the Bible at all, Simon.
I think the sticker should be part of chapter one: The Scientific Method. And leave it at that.
Besides, most people wind up making up their own minds about what to believe, evidence or no, stickers or none...
6 months ago i was promoted to ward manager in the hospital i work in, and despite all the stress that goes with working in healthcare (particularly the good ol nhs!
) i come home usually knackered but still pleased that this is the job/career path i have chosen.
managing nurses brings its own headaches, and without wanting to sound sexist, it is sometimes difficult to work alongside a whole group of women and try to keep a happy ship with all the personalities that come into play.
My worst and best bosses were both female. I guess people just suck in general.
hey gang,.
this isn't a debate-for-debate's sake thread.
i enter with an informed but open mind.
Yes AlmostAtheist, god forbid (lol!) you go thru life unburdened by the insane dichotomies of these poor believers! ;-)
And yet you keep posting, sixy, posting on these belief threads. Almost as if you were compelled to do so. (singsong voice) Somebody wants to believe... neener neener neener...
this week in uk, there starts a new 6 week series to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the liberation of auschwitz.
personally, i do not like cinema films about the holocaust and, therefore, have never watched things like shindler's list or the pianist.
the kids my wife watches are Jewish.
I consider them family.
If I even catch a whiff of anti-semitism anywhere in their vicinity, I will be grateful that my pent up rage will finally have a legitimate target.
Yes. We need to know. Because you cannot prevent what you cannot conceive. Only evil men can think like that - good men tend not to think along preventing things like the Holocaust or 9/11 because their minds don't work like that. Only by studying Evil's footprints can we learn to hunt it down and kill it.
And I mean kill it.
or, is it global corporatism?
donald rumsfeld's idealogue writes book, explains some things.
is this the theory behind current us force?
What bugs me is all the bullshit stories they used to justfy invading iraq.
We've been over that many times. I think that everybody thought he had them. I don't think that they just made them up. I mean, what good would it do to lie about it? They could have just said that Saddam was a brutal dictator, his sons were rampaging, etc. Accusing Saddam of building WMD is like accusing me of having porn on my computer... it just so happened that we caught Saddam at a time when he didn't have any porn on my computer... wait, mixing myself up here...
Anyway, as Ned Kelly said, "Such is life." And then they hanged him.