Sword of Jah - you are a pretentious, self-serving prat with a severe messianic complex.
You do not have the truth. That makes you a liar.
it is my pleasure to announce i have terminated my membership of the jehovahs wittnesses.
i shall be formally making this statement known to my congregation at tomorrow nights meeting after i have taken the ministry school.
for many years i have developed my own thoughts on religion and this along with the information i have learned here and on other sites has convinced me that i can no longer live teaching the bollocks the wtbs.
Sword of Jah - you are a pretentious, self-serving prat with a severe messianic complex.
You do not have the truth. That makes you a liar.
...just to see what it looks like these days.
just out of morbid curiosity, maybe to try to recognize some of the cars in the parking lot.
will i actually go back inside???
It's giving me a panic attack just thinking about it.
as a faithful and zealous witness, nothing can question your faith.
but one day, something does!
you begin to have doubts.
When that chick took off her shirt.
a journalist's account of the killing of a car full of iraqi civilians by us soldiers differs widely from the official military version, says brian whitaker .
tuesday april 1, 2003 .
the invasion forces suffered another self-inflicted disaster in the battle for hearts and minds yesterday when soldiers from the us 3rd infantry division shot dead iraqi seven women and children.
Trolla-Hound is up to his old shenanigans again, eh? Nice to see he didn't let the side down while I was away.
according to my brother the big elder, this is it!!!
this war with iraq will bring on armageddon for sure!!!.
so if thats the case (and he is an elder so he can't be wrong can he??
Well, A suitcase full of watchtowers in a Shiite neighborhood would have the same effect as a taxicab of C-4, I imagine...
it's saturday night.
normaly, most of you would be studying the watchtower article for tommorrow morning.
how do you feel?
Frikkin' GREAT!
Ah, no scriptures to look up! No highlighter stains on my fingers! No desperate crunching of mints to cover up my foul hangover breath!
back when i joined the site i had lots of concerns and i was given some great advice by some special people here.
i'll miss you.
but the time has come for me to move on.
Good luck, LB. Vaya con dios, you crazy cowboy, you...
this belief is a growing phenomena since 9/11, i did a search on google after someone mentioned on this board that they believe america is btgreat and it came up with pages in support of this view!
this belief is also being pushed by false prophets like jack van imp, he also claimed that osma was the anti-christ shortly after 9/11.
the consequences of pushing this doctrine will cause more fanatics to justify attacks against the usa or promote the belief "they deserve it", how sick.
We won't be babylon the great until Iraq is the 52st state.
just curious here.... where do the governing body and other senior bethelite members in brooklyn get buried when they die?
is there a central cemetery where they all get buried/cremated?
who pays for the funeral expenses?.
I understand Milton's been dead for three years, but nobody's had the heart to bury him.
if you go to purelanguage.net you can read the forums - you just can't post - here's a lovely new topic posted in the study hall............... "today while reading an article i just had to stop to thank jehovah for all of the spiritual food he provides....and thank him so very much for the slave class that loves us, works so diligently to fulfill their assignment given to them by our lord and feeds us sooooo can't find the word............".
let me finish......and feeds us.....................crap
That's all Czar can say.