When Jonah met God, he ran away.
When he fled to where he thought safety lay, he wound up in desperate straits indeed. By going where he didn't want to go, he found himself where he should be.
Myth or not, the moral is:
Is there something you think you should be doing, but aren't out of fear, or boredom, or laziness? (Not to be condemning, we are all like that, especially me!) If you cannot find God through mere cerebration, perhaps a more physical route is called for. What physical thing have you always wanted to do? Something you have always thought, yes, one day I shall do that, yes, that is what I was put here on earth to do, and why haven't you done it? I believe that God urges all of us to something beautiful; the Catholics call it a "calling." If He put you here, it was for a reason, yes? Hence, go forth to your destiny, which inside of yourself, you already know what it is.
In pursuit of the animal, we find the divine catching up. But pursue the divine, and it slips away, leaving us with only the animal.
(wishing I had Glenlivet instead of stale tortilla chips, Mountain Dew, and some NyQuil)