Apostate Scholar says .........
that Exile ended in 537 BCE by means of Cyrus' Decree and the Exile
lasted for 70 years so if we count back 70 years from 537 BCE then
arrive at the beginning of that Exile in 607 BCE
Ya ya ya We've heard this tripe before, were ex-JWS remember
The debate is about what year did Jerusalem fall or was destroyed the WTS says 607 BCE, the facts and accumulative evidence say 586 BCE.
Nebuchadnezzar's annexation over Judea lasted approximately 68 years close to 70 .
Such facts provide support for the 1914 CE
The WTS intentionally wanted to make 1914 a significant year because it was made previously so by C T Russell by using Pyramidology .
It sells nicely and the WTS has been selling this year still.
Somehow these men didn't read the words of Jesus condemning his true faithful followers to make a time upon god's own sacred time .