...they know it’s wrong... but believe it’s True...
...at the same time.
Thats it in nutshell Vid.
They are also well aware of what the organization does for them $$$
just to remind you, the recent court decision included a judgement about wt and freedom of speech something the organisation has long prided itself about.
infosektamedia release of july 8, 2020 7. thewatchtower organisation denies members the human right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion according to article 18 statement by the expert (tages-anzeiger)"furthermore, article 18 states that everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, a right that the watchtower society claims for itself but does not grant its members.
" judgment of the court by ostracizing members who no longer share the faith, they are implicitly denied freedom of faith and conscience (proof of good faith).
...they know it’s wrong... but believe it’s True...
...at the same time.
Thats it in nutshell Vid.
They are also well aware of what the organization does for them $$$
william miller (1782-1849), preached that the second coming of jesus christ would occur some time between march 21, 1843 and march 21, 1844. .
miller was invited to preach his "proofs" to churches in many locations.
many heard and became convinced.. millers followers may have numbered as many as 100,000. .
Many men have been inspired by the theology of the return of Christ .and the possible effect that would have toward mankind, some even started a an entire self efferent publishing house.
a new fox poll says biden is up by 12 percentage points.
of course, most other polls say trump will be trounced this time around.. do you think the polls might be right this time?
How many here think that the people who voted Republican last time will do so again this election ? .
are you reticent to express your opinion when it comes to religion or politics?.
when we were jws , we had to be so careful that we didn’t stumble anyone.
are you comfortable saying that you don’t agree with someone or something even if it appears you are in the minority?
Hell no, but I like to think about what my opinion is before I express it.
dress up for the show.
... and now please be seated.
proudly presenting your 2020 convention program.. ... and, thank god, for the ff button on my player.
The best Convention ever, that most JWS are just going to fast forward through most of it.
Thank you Jah for the Covid virus.
Thank you for not making us sit through hours of drivel which we've heard over and over again. ........... Amen
dress up for the show.
... and now please be seated.
proudly presenting your 2020 convention program.. ... and, thank god, for the ff button on my player.
JWs do drink some heavily, its one the thing they are allowed to do.
Look at the GB member A Morris
Personally I dont, its old like religion, both are bad for the mind, body and soul.
dress up for the show.
... and now please be seated.
proudly presenting your 2020 convention program.. ... and, thank god, for the ff button on my player.
everything JWs have to endure, is self inflicted.
True but that's been propagated and instigated by the leaders of the WTS.
The top leaders of the WTS were endeavored into controlling people lives for their own sustenance and exploitative self empowerment.
They accomplished this feat by instilling fear and ignorance substantiated by the supposed Almighty's will and purpose.
Many are starting to see it wasn't really god's will and purpose but those men who ran the WTS/JWS.
These men made those who followed them apostate sinners in false prophesying.
dress up for the show.
... and now please be seated.
proudly presenting your 2020 convention program.. ... and, thank god, for the ff button on my player.
Actually I can see a lot JWS thankful they dont have to travel to a distant location to go to a summer assembly.
Its a major inconvenience and cost to stay at a Hotel/Motel and have to pay for your meals etc.
Now the lovingly provided bullshit can be absorbed right at home, while your sitting in your underwear, sipping a cool beer or a glass of wine.
Dam its easy to be a JWS now days compared to how it was years ago.
dress up for the show.
... and now please be seated.
proudly presenting your 2020 convention program.. ... and, thank god, for the ff button on my player.
Elders have also been doing the rounds handing everyone
their convention name badge....and the Dubs will wear those too!
If there was a need to identify delusional insanity this would be a good indication.
i haven’t heard from him much lately.. where art thou?
does anybody know??
Everyone needs a break from the stress inducing JWS dilemma which has badly effected so many people's lives, including the owner and operator of this forum Simon.
Give the man some respect for keeping this forum up and running for so many years and the positive effect it has made to so many ,