Trump's continuation of idiocy which he's quite open about in revealing such as Twitter carries on .
Now he wants to ban TikTok.
You would think that he would be more concerned about other apparent problems effecting the United States ?
elections have been held per the us constitution during many difficult times; us civil war, ww i, ww ii, whatever.
i just put on the pro-trump fox news and even they are saying ... oooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. this is really scary.
are we headed towards a dictatorship?
Trump's continuation of idiocy which he's quite open about in revealing such as Twitter carries on .
Now he wants to ban TikTok.
You would think that he would be more concerned about other apparent problems effecting the United States ?
i sat in recently with some relatives for the sunday meeting.
the talk was given by a bethel speaker, who at one point quoted john 20:25.
“but he said to them: “unless i see in his hands the print of the nails and stick my finger into the print of the nails and stick my hand into his side, i will never believe it.”.
Some religions in a effort to support their own doctrines will intentionally lie and deceive, they will base their findings and interpretations on weak evidence.
The JWS/WTS is predominantly known for doing this.
The JWS religion is very much a rebellious Christian cult.
Twisting certain descriptive words is also done by the JWS in an effort to support their own doctrines, which as its noted will drop or revert certain doctrines claiming new light.
So basically they will propagate a doctrine not basically accepted in Christian theology to a point of apostasy for the sake and sanctification of themselves to support their own unique sustenance and identity.
hi guys.
sooner or later we're going to get a jw knocking on our door.
just like when we were jw's doing the knocking, it's good to have a question prepared to get them thinking about their own beliefs.
Why are you supporting the many doctrinal dates made and established by the WTS when Jesus himself said no one knows of the time not even he. ?
He also admonished his faithful followers to do just that.
A matter of fact the core foundational doctrine of the JW faith is set upon the year 1914 and has been for over a hundred years.
In scriptural accurate adherence the JWS religion is based upon apostasy and sin.
body of elder letters, announcements, and so forth will be next to "none" unless more elders decide to contact us and help out.. atlantis has lost three elders in the past two years.
two elders were disfellowshipped, and one disassociated and walk away a month ago.. when this happens receiving confidential documents is severed.
the last announcement we received was 2020-07-23. i was not about to send out a childish letter on "mold" in the kingdom halls.. there are people out there out of work and concerned about what they will eat tomorrow, and the watchtower is concerned with mold!.
One thing for sure the fat obese GB members aren't worried about food, hell they are probably eating quite well at Wallkill HQ , after their feasting they might go for a swim or play a game of tennis at their compound.
Its good to be Watchtower King
disfellowship but never, ever announce it.. this new procedure is to be confirmed - anyone else come across it?.
for this record these are jesus' actual instructions in relation to this matter:-.
(matthew 18:15-17) 15 “moreover, if your brother commits a sin, go lay bare his fault between you and him alone.
Yes I just heard of this new procedure, a bit shocking to say the least
disfellowship but never, ever announce it.. this new procedure is to be confirmed - anyone else come across it?.
for this record these are jesus' actual instructions in relation to this matter:-.
(matthew 18:15-17) 15 “moreover, if your brother commits a sin, go lay bare his fault between you and him alone.
let him be to you just as a man of the nations and as a tax collector.
I guess that would mean you can interact with these ones but not necessarily be actively close in relationship.
Keep the evil doers at arms length in other words.
Jesus always had a good head on his shoulders.
........makes sense
disfellowship but never, ever announce it.. this new procedure is to be confirmed - anyone else come across it?.
for this record these are jesus' actual instructions in relation to this matter:-.
(matthew 18:15-17) 15 “moreover, if your brother commits a sin, go lay bare his fault between you and him alone.
Note Jesus is talking about sin not standing firm in your Christian
integrity which is the reason people are getting thrown out for.
And isn't it ironic the WTS/JWS and its leaders have created the biggest sin by selling an apostate tainted version of Jesus's Gospel in the act of false prophesying ?
To be noted there is very little Christian integrity in the JW religion.
elections have been held per the us constitution during many difficult times; us civil war, ww i, ww ii, whatever.
i just put on the pro-trump fox news and even they are saying ... oooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. this is really scary.
are we headed towards a dictatorship?
Trump wants to be on the side of time when there is vaccine for the Covid virus ready to publicly distribute, November as it looks is too soon.
If and when there is a vaccine ready to distribute you can bet he would make all kinds of public announcements to how he's going to assist that endeavor.
Thats the integral life of a politician, influencing public opinion to your favor.
elections have been held per the us constitution during many difficult times; us civil war, ww i, ww ii, whatever.
i just put on the pro-trump fox news and even they are saying ... oooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. this is really scary.
are we headed towards a dictatorship?
This pandemic which is causing a financial collapse in many countries would be a death blow to just about any politcal leader, even the supposed popular ones.
....... Just saying
elections have been held per the us constitution during many difficult times; us civil war, ww i, ww ii, whatever.
i just put on the pro-trump fox news and even they are saying ... oooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. this is really scary.
are we headed towards a dictatorship?
We told you it was fixed" and then start up their own "b*tch about the damn liberals" media network and make gobs of money....
How would they be able to do that as you suggest ?