Naaa they are so arrogant and self assuming about themselves they would probably just resolve that they got inflected with Satan's system of things.
See you brothers in the new system
i don`t wish them any real harm or death or anything ,but i feel that if a few of them contracted the virus it might wake a few more up that their is no god to protect them from what is happening in the world.. after all they are living in a hot spot aren`t they ?.
am i wrong in wishing this to befall some of them ?
as a wake up call ?
Naaa they are so arrogant and self assuming about themselves they would probably just resolve that they got inflected with Satan's system of things.
See you brothers in the new system
today's article prods active jws to participate in the effort to reactivate us backsliders.. unfortunately, it fails to prepare the participants to adequately address the real reasons so many have left and want nothing frtherethan to be left alone: the un and child abuse scandals, prophetic failures; dumbed-down, increasingly specious and simplistic verbiage in literature and talks, the cult of personality and unwarranted veneration of those 8 singularly unremarkable members of the gb, etc., etc..
Return to false prophet apostates who want my money never.
I'll stick with Jesus and his instructions for preaching his gospel of a new Kingdom order.
imagine you have a spoon and you dig out one scoop of soil from the ground in central new york.
then you put that soil in a bag and carry it with you as you travel from there to the grand canyon.
you repeat these steps until you have created another grand canyon in new york and filled the original one in arizona.
Living for eternity healthy never getting old and dying seems appealing as a ideological concept, the possibility of that to happen through supernatural beings not yet discovered makes it an improbable dream........... for now.
We are better off focusing what is physically evident of are selves and the planet we live in an attempt to make the living experience better for are selves and the future generations.
Well until a supernatural being does appear before us and says hey guys I've come to help you out.
" this is the man who made it all happen" type this in.. this is how the watchtower organization began!
Goes to show what a bit of emotionally hyped up sensationalism combined with ignorance can do to people.
It just takes one or two individuals who personally strives to make themselves into a public notable figure by propagating appealing ideas and you can create a following of people .
C T Russell in all of ignorance and personal endeavors created a following of 8 million mentally seduced subjective slaves created by him and the adjoined followers of him by their writings drawn out by the writings of ancient mythology within the bible.
One might say JWS today are going through the Great Disappointment as Miller's followers once did.
today's article prods active jws to participate in the effort to reactivate us backsliders.. unfortunately, it fails to prepare the participants to adequately address the real reasons so many have left and want nothing frtherethan to be left alone: the un and child abuse scandals, prophetic failures; dumbed-down, increasingly specious and simplistic verbiage in literature and talks, the cult of personality and unwarranted veneration of those 8 singularly unremarkable members of the gb, etc., etc..
She died 5 years ago and I found out from a friend after everything was all over and he had already cremated her.
Man that's sick , JWs are really sick in the head via the WTS/JWorg brainwashing
today's article prods active jws to participate in the effort to reactivate us backsliders.. unfortunately, it fails to prepare the participants to adequately address the real reasons so many have left and want nothing frtherethan to be left alone: the un and child abuse scandals, prophetic failures; dumbed-down, increasingly specious and simplistic verbiage in literature and talks, the cult of personality and unwarranted veneration of those 8 singularly unremarkable members of the gb, etc., etc..
Yes return I have new lies, deceptions and human destruction waiting for you.
Don't listen to what Jesus said, no harm will come to you if you follow me !
.......ha ha ha !!!
" this is the man who made it all happen" type this in.. this is how the watchtower organization began!
Russell/JW teachings depend on the leadership being God's mouthpiece although they have always been coy about it.
Maybe that's because him and the men who followed him running the WTS. (Rutherford) weren't a faithful slave to Jesus and his instructions in preaching his Gospel but faithful to their agenda of literature proliferation.
Russell propagated other men's theologies including Pyramidology
These men and others proved the return of Christ is a valuable and saleable commodity.
there is either a conspiracy against blacks in this country and police are out to get them or it’s that they are getting caught breaking the law and often times refuse to obey police authority.
..........maybe its because they were acting unlawfully ?
Fighting with police officers while being investigated or arrested , running away from them after a physical struggle , are all unlawful acts and show a lack of respect for the law of the land.
Penalties and charges come about from these actions because they are illegal.
Most of these black guys killed would be alive today if they just respected and obeyed the law.
..........Just saying
today's article prods active jws to participate in the effort to reactivate us backsliders.. unfortunately, it fails to prepare the participants to adequately address the real reasons so many have left and want nothing frtherethan to be left alone: the un and child abuse scandals, prophetic failures; dumbed-down, increasingly specious and simplistic verbiage in literature and talks, the cult of personality and unwarranted veneration of those 8 singularly unremarkable members of the gb, etc., etc..
Only problem is Jehovah isn't anywhere near these particular apostate false prophets who run the Watchtower Corporation/JWorg.
Now if you want to return to Satan and these sinning corrupt lying men its your choice. .
JWS baptism = cult initiation to make a vow of loyalty to the GB
(Executive Directors) of Watchtower Corporation /JWorg.