The only charismatic individual the WTS has right now is Steven Lett who is kind of animation cartoon kind of charismatic leader.
JoinedPosts by Mr.Finkelstein
Cults and Their Charismatic Leaders Part 1
by 1234 inpeople know of many cult leaders’ and their charismatic personalities, with their fringe beliefs and lust for power and how they have inspired hundreds to follow their unconventional philosophies — with often-tragic results.
charles manson, david koresh, jim jones, bhagwan shree rajneesh and others have gained international notoriety for exposing the dark side of humanity.. however what about the cults that went main stream.
i guess we could throw in jesus and even adolf hitler.
Unique Words and Expressions Of Jehovah’s Witnesses
by minimus insystem of things comes to mind.
what does that mean to anyone not a jw?.
how long have you been in the truth?
JWS like to identify themselves as being " In The Truth " and identify non JWS as being worldly. ( Evil )
Other religious organizations do the same though, calling themselves brothers and sisters.
Makes them feel superior, which also makes them arrogant and self righteous .
Cults and Their Charismatic Leaders Part 1
by 1234 inpeople know of many cult leaders’ and their charismatic personalities, with their fringe beliefs and lust for power and how they have inspired hundreds to follow their unconventional philosophies — with often-tragic results.
charles manson, david koresh, jim jones, bhagwan shree rajneesh and others have gained international notoriety for exposing the dark side of humanity.. however what about the cults that went main stream.
i guess we could throw in jesus and even adolf hitler.
Fred Franz was once charismatic leader of the JWS, who concocted doctrines which to date have killed thousands.
Such as refusing vaccinations and blood transfusions.
Men who partake it upon themselves proclaiming they are god's guided spokesmen for all mankind can be dangerous and harmful to those accept that self made proclamation.
Cults and Their Charismatic Leaders Part 1
by 1234 inpeople know of many cult leaders’ and their charismatic personalities, with their fringe beliefs and lust for power and how they have inspired hundreds to follow their unconventional philosophies — with often-tragic results.
charles manson, david koresh, jim jones, bhagwan shree rajneesh and others have gained international notoriety for exposing the dark side of humanity.. however what about the cults that went main stream.
i guess we could throw in jesus and even adolf hitler.
The JWS cult cant produce a charismatic leader now because it was built up by past charismatic leaders, ie. F Franz, who bullshitted far too much.
In essence the dirty deeds have been done already.
Did a little research and found out he was born and raised a Catholic which he says he is now an agnostic, but what he says about religion in general rings true that it can be overtly oppressive.
Cults and Their Charismatic Leaders Part 1
by 1234 inpeople know of many cult leaders’ and their charismatic personalities, with their fringe beliefs and lust for power and how they have inspired hundreds to follow their unconventional philosophies — with often-tragic results.
charles manson, david koresh, jim jones, bhagwan shree rajneesh and others have gained international notoriety for exposing the dark side of humanity.. however what about the cults that went main stream.
i guess we could throw in jesus and even adolf hitler.
It might be also that people in general are swaying away from religion all together, from all faiths Christian or otherwise.
The JWS religion have been decidedly corrupt in its core doctrines which people are starting to see and realize now .
Is he saying at one point that he himself was once in the JWS religion ?
Cults and Their Charismatic Leaders Part 1
by 1234 inpeople know of many cult leaders’ and their charismatic personalities, with their fringe beliefs and lust for power and how they have inspired hundreds to follow their unconventional philosophies — with often-tragic results.
charles manson, david koresh, jim jones, bhagwan shree rajneesh and others have gained international notoriety for exposing the dark side of humanity.. however what about the cults that went main stream.
i guess we could throw in jesus and even adolf hitler.
If the statistics prove right the JWS religion is in a downward trend in participates, such as in North America and many countries in Europe.
People in general are waking up to the fact that the Watchtower Corporation was acting as a commercialized scam for decades all throughout the 20th century.
This particular religious cult may have inherently made its own expiration date.
Happy birthday smiddy
by smiddy3 ina young 81 ,may there be many more.. but feeling about 91 at the present time ..
Awesome Video on debunking 1914!!!!! Follow it carefully to the end!!
by Beth Sarim ini don't know if anyone has stumbled across this video, but it just blew may away.
just goes to show why in dubland they adhere to the 2 witness rule so adamantly and are so anal about it.
I would argue that any annexation of Judea by Babylon could only have occurred in 621/20 BCE with the eighth year of Jehoiakim's reign with subsequent rebellion causing the 70 years in 607 BCE.
It appears you have only taken up bible scholarship studies just to back up WTS's doctrines and teachings which proves without doubt your intellectually dishonest and corrupt.
Just for those who really wanted to know about Jehoiakim ....
Jehoiakim was appointed king by Necho II, king of Egypt, in 609 BC, after Necho's return from the battle in Haran, three months after he had killed King Josiah at Megiddo.[4] Necho deposed Jehoiakim's younger brother Jehoahaz after a reign of only three months and took him to Egypt, where he died. Jehoiakim ruled originally as a vassal of the Egyptians, paying a heavy tribute. To raise the money he "taxed the land and exacted the silver and gold from the people of the land according to their assessments."[5]
However, after the Egyptians were defeated by the Babylonians at the battle of Carchemish in 605 BC, Nebuchadnezzar II besieged Jerusalem, and Jehoiakim changed allegiances to avoid the destruction of Jerusalem. He paid tribute from the treasury in Jerusalem, some temple artifacts, and handed over some of the royal family and nobility as hostages.[4]
Rabbinical literature describes Jehoiakim as a godless tyrant who committed atrocious sins and crimes. He is portrayed as living in incestuous relations with his mother, daughter-in-law, and stepmother, and was in the habit of murdering men, whose wives he then violated and whose property he seized. He also had tattooed his body.[1]
The prophet Jeremiah criticised the king's policies, insisting on repentance and strict adherence to the law.[6] Another prophet, Uriah ben Shemaiah, proclaimed a similar message and Jehoiakim ordered his execution (Jeremiah 26:20–23).[7]
Jehoiakim continued for three years as a vassal to the Babylonians, until the failure of an invasion of Egypt in 601 BC undermined their control of the area. Jehoiakim switched allegiance back to the Egyptians.[4] In late 598 BC, the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II invaded Judah and again laid siege to Jerusalem, which lasted three months. Jehoiakim died before the siege ended.[2] The Book of Chronicles recorded that "Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon ... bound him in fetters, to carry him to Babylon."[8] Jeremiah prophesied that he died without proper funeral, describing the people of Judah "shall not lament for him, saying, 'Alas, master!' or 'Alas, his glory!' He shall be buried with the burial of a donkey, dragged and cast out beyond the gates of Jerusalem" (Jeremiah 22:18–19) "and his dead body shall be cast out to the heat of the day and the frost of the night" (Jeremiah 36:30).[9] Josephus wrote that Nebuchadnezzar slew Jehoiakim along with high-ranking officers and then commanded Jehoiakim's body "to be thrown before the walls, without any burial."[10]
He was succeeded by his son Jeconiah (also known as Jehoiachin).[3] After three months, Nebuchadnezzar deposed Jeconiah (fearing that he would avenge his father's death by revolting, according to Josephus[11]) and installed Zedekiah, Jehoiakim's younger brother, as king in his place. Jeconiah, his household, and much of Judah's population were exiled to Babylon.[12]
According to the Babylonian Chronicles,[13] Jerusalem fell on 2 Adar (16 March) 597 BC. The Chronicles state:
The seventh year (of Nebuchadnezzar – 598 BC.) in the month Chislev (Nov/Dec) the king of Babylon assembled his army, and after he had invaded the land of Hatti (Syria/Palestine) he laid siege to the city of Judah. On the second day of the month of Adar (16 March) he conquered the city and took the king (Jeconiah) prisoner. He installed in his place a king (Zedekiah) of his own choice, and after he had received rich tribute, he sent (them) forth to Babylon.[14]