How is it that a non for profit charity registered organization can copyright anything it publicly procedures to the open public ?
ummmm ???
so i guess the wt holds free public gatherings, but will sue anyone who publishes a video of the free speeches?
what happened to advertise, advertise advertise the king and his kingdom?
How is it that a non for profit charity registered organization can copyright anything it publicly procedures to the open public ?
ummmm ???
do you think there is a group or individuals that have taken the role as slave class and fulfilled the requirement?
think they all failed miserable.
In essence JWS are enslaved to the sins and apostasy orchestrated by the Watchtower Corporation/ JWorg.
Pointing this out and exposing this endeavor by those involved is a true act of faithful and loyal Christianity.
there's yet another talk to add to the list of talks written specifically for damage control against "apostates".
the speaker says, "some who were once part of the christian congregation attempt to mislead us", that they tell "false accusations" & "lies".
to combat this, he says that you should "protect your ears from damaging noise by not listening to it", comparing it to wearing "noise canceling headphones".
That's literally what the GB does for a living, imposing their self-admitted uninspired opinions on millions.
Convenient word twisting is what the GB men do and they do it more and more these days into trying to cover themselves up.
How is it possible for an organization that self proclaims itself as god's chosen earthly organization guided by god's holy spirit not being one that is inspired ?
Lying smooth bullshit " at the proper time " I would call that
do you think there is a group or individuals that have taken the role as slave class and fulfilled the requirement?
think they all failed miserable.
Scripturaly the WTS/JWS has been the evil slave class for disobeying and opposing Jesus 's instructions in how to preach his new Kingdom order.
They created a Gospel that is an act of sin and apostasy through false prophesying which was undoubtedly instigated by these men running their own publishing company.
after years of being with jws you start to see a certain developmental characterization of most jws, particularly from elders who have the most power in each congregation.
the ideology follows along the route of holding up a white sheet over the entire organization, as well each identified individual member (brothers and sisters) which no doubt most jws will inevitably exploit toward themselves.. i personally recognized what hypocrisy was at young age from seeing and being around jws at the kingdom halls and what they were like away from the halls.. there is forced pretentiousness at play which comes out by jws.. having being reminded repetitively that god almighty sent his only begotten son to redeem their sins probably had some relevant connection.. there was no question to the fact that jws are associated with delusions, anxiety, fear, ignorance, subsided with prejudice against others who are not recognized as being active jws .. we are the most righteous chosen ones as it were and that self recognizance goes deep into the jws's consciousness in their daily living.
You might be right there HowTheBible .
Seems there are more and more people involved in the JWS religion that are the fringes barely hanging on out of social pressure..
I still find how the WTS/JWorg psychologically manipulates people which unfortunately causes the death of some of these ones.
The other bad thing abut this religion is the breaking up of families which has instigated many to commit suicide.
after years of being with jws you start to see a certain developmental characterization of most jws, particularly from elders who have the most power in each congregation.
the ideology follows along the route of holding up a white sheet over the entire organization, as well each identified individual member (brothers and sisters) which no doubt most jws will inevitably exploit toward themselves.. i personally recognized what hypocrisy was at young age from seeing and being around jws at the kingdom halls and what they were like away from the halls.. there is forced pretentiousness at play which comes out by jws.. having being reminded repetitively that god almighty sent his only begotten son to redeem their sins probably had some relevant connection.. there was no question to the fact that jws are associated with delusions, anxiety, fear, ignorance, subsided with prejudice against others who are not recognized as being active jws .. we are the most righteous chosen ones as it were and that self recognizance goes deep into the jws's consciousness in their daily living.
I think when you are fully immersed in the JWS religion you are being indoctrinated to be arrogant and self righteous, that in itself creates problems.
Oh the uniqueness of being in god's chosen organization.
umm umm umm good , that's good brain washing
but one i remember was a full on dyed in the wool believer how was a farmer.
around 1975 he sold his farm moved his family to a very rural place and waited for the end to come.
he ended up working for his brother in law hanging drywall.
The JWorg. GB members dont care they are set for life paid for by the WTS.
They have full medical and dental coverage, cars to drive, air flights to travel around the world, food and shelter, complete with tennis courts and swimming pools.
That's really why there is so much lying and corruption in the organization , Money $$$
not sure who wrote this list a while back but i think it is worth a be added to or subtracted from or modified...whatever.. what's wrong with the watchtower.
"overlapping generations" - this teaching makes no sense.
the word used by jesus is in the singular, not plural form.. .
The overlapping generation created by the WTS was just another opposing act of apostasy against Jesus and his instructions for preaching his new Kingdom.
.......and yes many left the organization from this expressed doctrine.
not sure who wrote this list a while back but i think it is worth a be added to or subtracted from or modified...whatever.. what's wrong with the watchtower.
"overlapping generations" - this teaching makes no sense.
the word used by jesus is in the singular, not plural form.. .
Good list Vander and another short answer to this posed question could be that this organization was founded upon pretentious hype, tainted and instigated by men who were running their own publishing house.
From that foundation the roots of corruption were set and flourished from there..
after years of being with jws you start to see a certain developmental characterization of most jws, particularly from elders who have the most power in each congregation.
the ideology follows along the route of holding up a white sheet over the entire organization, as well each identified individual member (brothers and sisters) which no doubt most jws will inevitably exploit toward themselves.. i personally recognized what hypocrisy was at young age from seeing and being around jws at the kingdom halls and what they were like away from the halls.. there is forced pretentiousness at play which comes out by jws.. having being reminded repetitively that god almighty sent his only begotten son to redeem their sins probably had some relevant connection.. there was no question to the fact that jws are associated with delusions, anxiety, fear, ignorance, subsided with prejudice against others who are not recognized as being active jws .. we are the most righteous chosen ones as it were and that self recognizance goes deep into the jws's consciousness in their daily living.
There is a problematic psychological disposition that is aptly called "being judgmental." It is getting a kick out of making negative moral assessments of other people. It's enhancing your own sense of moral worth by comparisons with the (supposed) lesser moral status of others. It's finding satisfaction in seeing others fail because it shows you are better than they are. People who tend to feel morally inferior feel relief when they see others fail; by comparison that they are not so bad after all. People who lack appreciation of their own potential for moral failure enjoy having their false sense of moral superiority reinforced. Those who are judgmental are invested in one-up-manship.
What are the signs of being judgmental? Here are five:
Being judgmental distorts our perception of other people, of ourselves and of what matters most in living a well-lived human life. It feeds on and engenders a lack of sympathetic understanding of others. It is often linked with other related character flaws: hypocrisy, self-righteousness, malice, insensitivity, and the enjoyment of destructive gossip.