The Jesus god of the bible was a elaborated mythological story created decades after this figure lived.
Most likely what the Jews of the time said about him was true that he was Yeshua a rabbi/teacher who may have taught and preached about the coming Messiah and from out of that he himself was eventually mythologized as the real Messiah.
The character of this god was devised as such to promote peace, love and empathy for others, a god that was going to rid humanity of all its enduring perils including death.
This is the reason why this god was adopted and promoted for so long with all of those advantageous and appealing aspects toward mankind..
Common sense would dictate that if he was the real Messiah (son of god) and performed all those miracles, that the leaders of the Hebrews would have done something much more when this figure was captured by the Romans and documented it as well.
There is no question or doubt that this god was the most humanistic god ever imagined and propagated in human history.