Quite both a sick and sad story where some notable people got mixed up with this exploitative creep.
I'm sure there are a view who are a bit nervous as to how much information Maxwell will spill out.
in fact, several "wtf"s, not least - why were you visiting a convicted pedophile after his release from prison, never-mind having any contact with him in the first place when his preoclivities seemed to be an open secret.. and the best he can some up with is "i don't remember"?
you don't remember?
there's a fucking photo of you with one of the victims and accessories to the crimes you dumb fuck!.
Quite both a sick and sad story where some notable people got mixed up with this exploitative creep.
I'm sure there are a view who are a bit nervous as to how much information Maxwell will spill out.
i'm new to the forum.
i'm an ex-jw who actually faded from jws.
i'm here to drop by every once in a while to ask a question or two.
Two myths do not equate to reality, as spoken hearsay doesn't equate to evidence.
The Watchtower Corporation (JWorg.) has become a long standing commercialized con job to the intellectually wise. $$$
i'm new to the forum.
i'm an ex-jw who actually faded from jws.
i'm here to drop by every once in a while to ask a question or two.
Godbeliever you can believe whatever you want to believe, you can even preach false prophetic doctrines which are against the words and teaching of Jesus like the leaders of the WTS/JWS, who scripturaly identified themselves as apostate sinners, luring others into sharing of their sins.
But I would advise to stay away from this organization based upon that fact.
i'm new to the forum.
i'm an ex-jw who actually faded from jws.
i'm here to drop by every once in a while to ask a question or two.
The Jesus god of the bible was a elaborated mythological story created decades after this figure lived.
Most likely what the Jews of the time said about him was true that he was Yeshua a rabbi/teacher who may have taught and preached about the coming Messiah and from out of that he himself was eventually mythologized as the real Messiah.
The character of this god was devised as such to promote peace, love and empathy for others, a god that was going to rid humanity of all its enduring perils including death.
This is the reason why this god was adopted and promoted for so long with all of those advantageous and appealing aspects toward mankind..
Common sense would dictate that if he was the real Messiah (son of god) and performed all those miracles, that the leaders of the Hebrews would have done something much more when this figure was captured by the Romans and documented it as well.
There is no question or doubt that this god was the most humanistic god ever imagined and propagated in human history.
unbelievable admissions.. freddie confesses he fell for his own propaganda.. https://youtu.be/fkjw-r9oitk.
Yet it was still highlighted as spiritual encouragement ?
That's because the return of Christ and his soon to come new world order was still taken as a marketable commodity for a publishing house to propagate.
This is still used to this day to lure people to the organization where they can be manipulated and exploited for money and labor to the WTS. Corporation.
Fred Franz was just a crooked religious charlatan just like Russell and Rutherford.
These men exploited people's emotions and ignorance to build a power structure around themselves and unfortunately it worked.
could you guys believe this über borg 'friend' ?.
he says that babylon has fallen because all of the coronavirus restrictions (and the resultant less revenue) are gonna destroy them symbolically.
so he thinks this are the last, of the last, of the last days.
......and people wonder why JWS walk around with a delusional shit for brains smile on their faces.
now today this is of course a non-issue.
the wt has embraced the big bang/old earth etc just not evolution.
in fact the creator book has some decent info.. however i have a good copy of the 1958 paradise book.
Yes which kind proves their ignorance quit well.
Jehovah does not live in the Pleiades, we are quite sure of that now.
could you guys believe this über borg 'friend' ?.
he says that babylon has fallen because all of the coronavirus restrictions (and the resultant less revenue) are gonna destroy them symbolically.
so he thinks this are the last, of the last, of the last days.
Yes he's a delusional retard that has sucked up too much of the JWorg. fear mongering provocations..
Maybe you should ask this genius whats going to happen to Babylon when there is a vaccine distributed and people like the JWS return to their Kingdom Halls ?
Jws are not in the mainstream of truth by any means but indoctrinated in fear, superstition and ignorance.
Perpetrated by a corrupt disingenuous religious publishing house the WTS.
now today this is of course a non-issue.
the wt has embraced the big bang/old earth etc just not evolution.
in fact the creator book has some decent info.. however i have a good copy of the 1958 paradise book.
Did wt ever believe that the whole universe, or just the bare, wet Earth was 50 millennia old?
Not to my knowledge , the universe was created in thousands of years to their understanding , but then again the WTS leaders were not well educated even in their time and era.
Ask Russell or Rutherford about astrophysics and they would go .... " Waaa ? "