JWS now days idolize a graven image JWorg.
Wearing a lapel is just an act to show loyalty to the Org.
and this isn't a cult?
just saw my wife put on her name tag for the zoom assembly.... what the what?
i thought these things werent even live.
JWS now days idolize a graven image JWorg.
Wearing a lapel is just an act to show loyalty to the Org.
it seems like the only possibilities are women of color.
no whites need apply.. maybe he will change his mind and ask hillary clinton?
Well the White House will be his home, dont you people have respect for the elderly ?
i sat in recently with some relatives for the sunday meeting.
the talk was given by a bethel speaker, who at one point quoted john 20:25.
“but he said to them: “unless i see in his hands the print of the nails and stick my finger into the print of the nails and stick my hand into his side, i will never believe it.”.
Correct Aclueto
The cross used by many Christian faiths to the WTS is an image of unrighteous idolatry or a graven image and that's another reason behind their acceptance of the crucifix to be a single stake rather than two pieces of wood crossed over each other.
Archeological evidence has also shown that the Roman crucifix was indeed a cross.
it seems like the only possibilities are women of color.
no whites need apply.. maybe he will change his mind and ask hillary clinton?
Since Biden is a house plant at this point,
If he just a silly house plant why is he going to be elected over Trump come the next election ?
and this isn't a cult?
just saw my wife put on her name tag for the zoom assembly.... what the what?
i thought these things werent even live.
I feel the only way out of the situation is a divorce
Well hold on, I hope that doesn't happen.
Well maybe you can discreetly place some real things about the Watchtower Corporation and how it really was originally and still is a commercialized apostate false prophet.
Which the bible even warns about.
The original men who started this organization were corrupt opportunistic sinners in their acts of charlatanism and intentionally lure others in sharing of their sins which inevitably procured their own self empowerment toward themselves.
and this isn't a cult?
just saw my wife put on her name tag for the zoom assembly.... what the what?
i thought these things werent even live.
Cults can have a way of provoking irrational stupidity by making people subjective and loyal to the directions of their orchestrative leaders.
The observation of just how loyal and obedient to the organization is in kind identifying oneself toward their spiritual strength and devotion to god.
sometimes i forget how small-minded, petty, provincial, mean-spirited ignorant and judgemental it was and still is.... then i sit down with a jw relative, hoping to have a normal conversation and realize there is literally nothing to talk about.. nothing..... current events?
your job?
Sometimes I forget how small-minded, petty, provincial, mean-spirited ignorant and judgemental it was and still is...
True TD but you forgot self righteous, arrogant, prejudice, apathetic, pretentious, corrupt
Jws can be .
this dude must have family that are jws...i can't imagine any "journalist" doing a piece on the wt and not highlighting any of their scandals.
the public does not care about jws why waste any time on them.. (link is video of interview with wt spokesidiot re: conventions, covid etc).
I had to laugh at the JWS rep who said that they are god's chosen people.
Really, so god choose false prophet charlatans who directly disobeyed both Jehovah and Jesus in their unsculptural preaching/ literature proliferation agenda.
This guy was nothing but a positioned propagandist for the JWS, that's why all the disingenuous bullshit.
it seems like the only possibilities are women of color.
no whites need apply.. maybe he will change his mind and ask hillary clinton?
First off you can play over and over her calling Joe a racist.
Really I'd like to see or hear that
Link ?
one thing we were always taught in the past is how we should sit down and pray (kneel) to jehoober whenever we were at an event where they played the national anthem.
we had to actively disrespect the flag and anthem and be no part of the world, because we were our own country with jesus as king.. given kneeling/sitting for the national anthem is now the favorite pastime of the far-left and if you do so, you get associated with democrats, how do jehovah's witnesses now 'become no part of this world' when they have to disrespect the flag?.
The JWS doctrine of not associating or being involved in governmental institutions is a mistranslation of Jesus's words when he said my kingdom is no part of this world,
There was no instruction for his followers to not be themselves.
The other fact to consider is there are many biblical figures in the bible who were or had political governmental positions of god's chosen ones/people within the Hebrew civilization.
Just to point out a fact, the government of the time of Christ was the established Roman government which was for a long time against Christianity and that followed through until emperor Constantine overruled that position and embraced Christianity to become the official religion of the government/empire. (313 AD)