Interesting too is that he traveled about giving public talks and at the same time sold his own book.
What does the bible say about false prophets ?
" this is the man who made it all happen" type this in.. this is how the watchtower organization began!
Interesting too is that he traveled about giving public talks and at the same time sold his own book.
What does the bible say about false prophets ?
what’s your opinion of sports teams postponing games either to recognize or protest a social issue cause?
Stopping a basketball game is going to do nothing for their cause, in reality.
Couldn't agree more MIn.
A cop in the US ......" Dam they postponed the game I was going to watch tonight, well I guess I better not shoot at any civilians while I'm on duty for a while "
i realize some here are diehard democrats.
whether you are democrat, republican or independent, do you support any of these looters that cause mayhem and destruction for their cause?
i have heard some people sympathize with these law breakers saying they understand why they do what they do and leave it at that.. of course i wonder how they would feel if their own property was burnt or stolen or destroyed..
Whether you are democrat, Republican or independent, do you support any of these looters that cause mayhem and destruction for their cause?
Actually those kind of actions do the exact opposite in most cases to what they were intended or in a practical sense they weaken the position or statement.
i realize some here are diehard democrats.
whether you are democrat, republican or independent, do you support any of these looters that cause mayhem and destruction for their cause?
i have heard some people sympathize with these law breakers saying they understand why they do what they do and leave it at that.. of course i wonder how they would feel if their own property was burnt or stolen or destroyed..
There isn't a designated political party who supports either of these violent actions.
What about the Republican mayors and governors who haven't condemned these violent protesters ?
Minimus's suggestion about Democratic aligned politcal leaders is full of speculative bullshit to demean those people in the democratic party and its supportive members.
Intellectual honesty is an applied method of problem solving, characterised by an unbiased, honest attitude, which can be demonstrated in a number of different ways:
what’s your opinion of sports teams postponing games either to recognize or protest a social issue cause?
I see where they are coming from but postponing a game seems a bit nonsensical and non effective toward the cause.
I set aside some time to watch the local NHL playoff game and now I find out its been canceled.
i realize some here are diehard democrats.
whether you are democrat, republican or independent, do you support any of these looters that cause mayhem and destruction for their cause?
i have heard some people sympathize with these law breakers saying they understand why they do what they do and leave it at that.. of course i wonder how they would feel if their own property was burnt or stolen or destroyed..
When the Dem mayors and governors refuse to CONDEMN this stuff they are clearly supportive of the cause.
Really so all mayors and governors who are associated with the Democratic party have come out and said they support all the violent actions by these protestors ?
You have proof of this ?
There isn't a designated political party who supports either of these violent actions.
Your twisting words toward your bias Min. which is obviously pro Republican
i realize some here are diehard democrats.
whether you are democrat, republican or independent, do you support any of these looters that cause mayhem and destruction for their cause?
i have heard some people sympathize with these law breakers saying they understand why they do what they do and leave it at that.. of course i wonder how they would feel if their own property was burnt or stolen or destroyed..
Why the Dems don’t out rightly condemn this type of “protesting “ is beyond me.
Becasue these protests weren't underlying promoted by that political party and logically they wouldn't since its illegal.
It was Trump supporters that said these protests were orchestrated and started by the Democrat party officials,...... bullshit wrong
i realize some here are diehard democrats.
whether you are democrat, republican or independent, do you support any of these looters that cause mayhem and destruction for their cause?
i have heard some people sympathize with these law breakers saying they understand why they do what they do and leave it at that.. of course i wonder how they would feel if their own property was burnt or stolen or destroyed..
Short answer = absolutely not
Law abiding peaceful protest is the way and has proven effective to the cause in a democratic society .
the other day i went to this farm owned by this jw lady with my wife being a jw and my mother being a non witness.
later taking to my mother she noticed this vibe like this jw lady really hated her.
she just had these little slags like when we tried to pay for the fruit we picked , she looked directly at my wife and said " don't worry about it, i only charge wordly people ".. i also have this aunt who is a jw we are estranged from.
Contempt for non JWS varies and it is mentally reinforced by the doctrinal teaching that non jws are evil unrighteous people separate from themselves, who are therefore deemed dangerous toward their own self identifying spirituality.
ie. bad associations = non members
good associations = other jws members in good standing
Thats why associations and friendships with non members are not recommended and discouraged.
This even extends to family members who were once associated with the organization, these relationships are intentionally broken off completely as its been documented.
the other day i went to this farm owned by this jw lady with my wife being a jw and my mother being a non witness.
later taking to my mother she noticed this vibe like this jw lady really hated her.
she just had these little slags like when we tried to pay for the fruit we picked , she looked directly at my wife and said " don't worry about it, i only charge wordly people ".. i also have this aunt who is a jw we are estranged from.
Practicing JWs are trained by the WTS heads to demean and disrespect ex-jws members.
Its a way of showing loyalty to Jehovah and his chosen earthly organization.