While I agree with the majority of what you have said, I think that being "born again" is a RESULT of putting your faith in Jesus Christ. I don't get the impression that you are FIRST born again, then have the desire to repent and follow Christ. I think Christ "calls" us to him, by whichever way he chooses, and our choosing to ask him for forgiveness and to be our Lord, we are accepting his FREE GIFT of salvation - and our new birth begins - we are dead to sin (the control it has over us and its penalty) and alive in Christ, (to share eternity with him). Regardless, the most important thing is putting your faith in Jesus Christ and what he did for us (which should manifest itself in love and good works).
For Gumby and Farkel, and anyone else who doesn't believe in the God of the Bible, or in his love, God tells us that it rains on the just and the unjust. He also has told us that life on earth would not be easy. But we are assured of an eternity that will be everything He originally designed - perfection. It was our own free will and the desire/pride of mankind to think of himself on an equal basis as God. All the heartache, injustice, pain, disease, etc. is the result of a fallen, sinful world, (I don't pretend to know the mind of God or understand why such horrible things are allow to happen), but I do know one thing - ALL OF US ARE SINNERS! JUST CHART YOUR THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS FOR A WEEK OR EVEN A DAY! Watch how often the "I" gets in the way of compromise, doing something for someone else, making "right" choices, etc., let alone the lying, steeling, killing, etc. that goes on. God sure can be an easy scape goat. Jesus himself felt physical pain, and emotional pain when the people he loved died, and he was WITHOUT SIN - yet he knows our pain and he cries with us. But he is also there in the midst of it all with us - just ask Lisa Beamer how she gets through the day. Ask a former drug addict who turned his or her life around how they find the strength. I wonder what your stories are?