Today, many keen bible students have come to discern the fact that the "Wild Beast" spoken of in the book of Revelation, actually represents a political entity which is under Satan the Devil?s control and thus is in complete opposition Jehovah God and His ?Kingdom? Interests upon earth. However, what is not commonly known among religionists today is that the ?7-Headed? entity itself, actually has not as of yet, been fully formed yet. What I mean by that statement is that the 7-Headed "Wild Beast" that Revelation speaks of itself pertains to the future, or it is a "beast" that will formulate in the near future for us, as a "7-headed" that must go thru several phases or vicissitudes, finally, before it becomes the ?7-Headed? Political Entity the bible speaks of that makes a devastating attack upon the "holy ones" and to "conquer them" as the "Two Witnesses" of God. -- Revelation 11:7; Revelation 13:5-7
As we recall, this moving drama about the "wild beast" forms when the "woman", a heaven-high, heavenly adorned "woman," is sent "fleeing" to the wilderness, as a form of punishment from God. A "Woman" that is "persecuted" by the Dragon directly. Bible prophecy shows this mystery "woman" who is "fed" by God Almighty in the "Wilderness" will prove to be none other than the Jehovah?s Witnesses as an organization or people, complete with the "stars," "moon," and "sun" proving themselves to be the "heavenly body" leaders and corporate heads of the JW Organization, especially the Governing Body itself. -- Revelation 12:1, 2, 6, 13, 14
Bible prophecy indicates that very shortly, the JW Organization in its entirety, will come under attack and intense persecution from the political factions of this world, even here in the United States too. This all occurs just after the "Great War" that is shortly to come upon us now, just comes to an abrupt end. The "Great War" of Daniel 10:1 (NIV). Immediately afterwhich, the JW organization will be chased to the wilderness, showing that they have lost all of Jehovah's blessings and spirit, totally. God will allow all of this to happen to them as punishment for being transgressors against His Will. -- Psalms 74:3-10; Daniel 8:12-14; Daniel 11:40, 41; Revelation 12:6, 14-16; Revelation 13:5-7
It is from this setting, that we first see or get our very first glimpse of the notorious "Babylon the Great," the old disgusting "Harlot," yes the infamous "Mother of the Harlots," who has positioned herself upon the "wild beast" to ride the political "wild beast" [United Nations Organization] for all its worth. Actually, Babylon The Great, forms after the JW Organization exists for some time within the "wilderness," after much intense persecution has been experienced by the JW family. In fact, Babylon the Great is actually formed by a unique metamorphosis of the JW Organization, while under intense persecution in the "wilderness", where the majority of Jehovah?s Witnesses will side with the Governing Body Leadership in total compromise and receive the "mark of the beast" in high treason against God as real "apostates". This great event is just ahead of us for all the world to see. -- Daniel 11:32; Revelation 13:14-17.
John shows us just how such a thing could happen?the formation of Babylon The Great and how it gets its beginning,
"And he carried me away in the power of the spirit into a wilderness. And I caught sight of a woman sitting upon a scarlet-colored wild beast that was full of blasphemous names and that had seven heads and ten horns." -- Revelation 17:3
Babylon the Great actually gets her start, while in the "wilderness," which is the exact same place we recall, that the "woman" has been chased previously, as mentioned in Revelation 12:6, 14. Also we notice above that the "wild beast" has "7 heads and 10 horns." Now, this description of the "10 horns" reminds us of the 4th tremendously destructive "beast" of the book of Daniel 7th chapter. This "beast" we remember, is said to be particularly "fearsome and terrible and unusually strong." Also, from this "extraordinarily fearsome" beast, will also come forth, from among these ?10 horns,? a most notorious "small horn" leader, who becomes the Chief Persecutor of all God's People, yes Jehovah?s Witnesses, and also winds up ?harassing? as the prophecy says, the ?holy ones of the Supreme One,? the future kingdom heirs of God. (Daniel 7:18-27) Yes, this ?small horn? figure then, thus becomes the real Leader of this particularly brutal "10-horned" beast, or cruel beastly governmental set-up, as the much feared "King of the North" that we have all heard and read so much about in the book of Daniel. Yes, he becomes the Chief Person, among real persecutors of God?s Name People?this one we know today, as OSAMA BIN LADEN!!!
Yes, this person most responsible for the 9-11 attack upon [NY Trade Center Buildings] America, yes the true leader of the ?Al-Qaida? [The Base] Network of Islamic Extremists, who continues to escape the grasp of America and its military machinery, yes this one, will be the one who will take the lead in the persecution of modern-day "Israel" of our times, Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide, before Jehovah brings it to a halt. Osama bin Laden, yes, the one who leads a small group of people, the "Al-Qaida" Network, the "small nation" spoken of in Daniel 11:23. Yes, the one who will become quite famous, quite powerful indeed, as THE LEADER of the international Islamic Community, that must be reckoned with, finally. When this one has fully accomplished his will concerning his Great "Jihad" against the West, against America, when this "Great War", this so-called "holy Jihad" is over?AFTER?after the ?Great War? of Daniel 10:1 is fought and won by himself as the infamous ?King of the North,? who defeats, the ?King of the South,? or American and supporting nations, in the most bloody, devastating war the world has ever, ever seen before -- then, yes then, the "King of the North," will make much trouble for God's Name People...much trouble indeed! ? Daniel 7:18-27; Daniel 8:23-25; Daniel 10:1 NIV; Matthew 24:7; Revelation 6:4; Revelation 13:5-7
To be sure, this coming "small horn" leader, then will prove to be the Real Leader of the "10 horned" political entity that devastates the earth in terrible warfare. And even after he, Osama bin Laden is dead and gone, yes bible prophecy indicates still, that the "10-Horned" Beast, will continue to prove themselves to be the real enemies of God?s Name People, right up to the end of this system of things, when the Holy "Mountain of Decoration," has to be defended by God Almighty Himself. -- Daniel 7:7,8, 19-22; Daniel 11:44, 45
It will be during such a difficult time as these described above, the initial stages of persecution against Jehovah's Witnesses, the "woman," that the JW Organization will crumble, become totally disillusioned, and finally in complete defeat and compromise, willingly and disgracefully, accept or receive the "mark of the beast", under the leadership of the wicked, disgustingly, cowardly, Governing Body leadership of our modern day times. It will be this particularly "fierce king," who strangely, "understands ambiguous sayings," yes strangely "ambiguous" words known as the so-called "Holy Koran" book itself, yes this particular Religious Leader himself, will lead God's Name People, into complete "apostasy" before God?just as God?s unfailing Word, predicts! -- Daniel 8:23-25; Daniel 11:30, 32
Of course, we remember the WTS has said in their publications in the past, that the 7 "heads" on the ?Wild Beast,? actually picture 7 successive governments down thru the ages, starting with namely Egypt, and then moving to Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome and finally the Anglo-American duo world power. However, this explanation is obviously wrong since we remember, John is given a vision of the future and not of the distant past. So, John is not an inspired historian, in this instance, retelling the past to us, but he is shown the "things that must take place," as of the future. He is seeing things of our day, of our future, as from the 1st century, and on. But not of the past. Revelation 1:1 and Revelation 4:1 make that point clear. And when we come to appreciate this fact, then this means as we might expect, yes the "heads" on the beast are CONTEMPORARY governments, contemporary ?beasts,? that exist at the same time, and not successive governments that follow one another, over a long period of time, starting as it were, many centuries ago.
The book of Revelation helps us to see, the United Nations is the key figure here too, since it represents the organization that can bring all of the governments together in a unison of power. However, at different times, key nations, actually express control of this political power entity of the United Nations Organization. For example, we see the "Security Council" with its five PERMANENT MEMBERS, actually showing all of the real power and authority of our time. Actually, these "five" kings [or five governments] are referred to in Revelation 17:10. They are the same "five kings" that occupy the seat of Permanent Members of the Security Council for the United Nations Organization...the ones that have what is called: Veto Power. These ?five? will be in power and vogue, during the time the ?Great War? of Daniel 10:1 (NIV), will occur. John was told the following:
"And there are seven kings: five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet arrived, but when he does arrive he must remain a short while." ? Revelation 17:10
What this means is that, when the real trouble starts, "five will have fallen" in total warfare and influence toward world affairs. In other words, a "Great War" is on the horizon, with the "five kings", the Permanent Members of the UN Security Council, "falling" in their influence to control the world situation anymore. They will have "fallen" in the eyes of the world, in power and in influence as regards to WORLD POLICY. What they think, at this time, will no longer be considered by worldly nations to be ?germaine?, or even relevant, as respects, international policy around the globe. No but, at this time, after the ?Great War,? yes, there will be only one "king" at this time, to really deal with. One real force to be reckoned with. And it will be during this unusual time, after the "Great War," when this "king", this particularly "fierce king" will exercise great political and military influence upon the world scene. It will be under these particularly difficult circumstances for the Western World, these unexpected circumstances that the Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, will receive the "mark of the beast", under the leadership of the wicked, nefarious Governing Body leadership of our times. This "fierce king," the then prevailing "King of the North," will lead God's Name People, Jehovah's Witnesses as a nation and people, into "APOSTASY" before God. -- Daniel 8:23-25; Daniel 11:30, 32; Revelation 13:14-18
When the prophecy says, the "one that is," or the "king that is," it means the one prevailing "king" or "kingdom" or "mountain" that represents the new ruling power, which will be in vogue at the time that "Babylon The Great" gets on the back of the "wild beast", while they are conveniently dwelling, "in the wilderness." When this happens, this one particularly "fierce king" -- Osama bin Laden, will then be in power, and will control things, politically, from a world scene point of view. Bible Prophecy is clear!!!
Daniel 8:23-25
speaks of him as being a particularly "fierce king" that is coming into power, and gains his power, yes thru "intrigue." Daniel 11:30-32 shows, that he, acting the part of the "king of the North," will lead "those acting wickedly against the Covenant" of God, into complete "apostasy". And he leads the leadership, particularly the Governing Body of Jehovah?s Witnesses, yes and the majority (but not all) of the JW Organization, he will lead into complete "apostasy." This act in itself, will fully reveal the "man of lawlessness" in fact to be the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. In other words, the JW Organization will receive at that time, the dreaded "mark of the beast" in full compromise before Jehovah God, at the "smooth" behest of this new political "king" of our time, the "small horn" Islamic Leader, who will powerfully control world policy, the same way America controls it today. A new "fierce King" altogether, the "small horn," who is also at that time, the prevailing "king of the North."
And all of this will be made possible, because just before this spiritual deflection of the JW Organization, America, as a particularly powerful "head" of the "five kings" that have fallen -- yes, America will have received the "deathstroke," or the "swordstroke" during the "Great War" that is spoken of by the prophet at Daniel 10:1 (NIV). Bible prophecy indicates that the world's ONLY SUPERPOWER of our modern day times, yes, the United States of America and its mighty military, high technologically advanced army itself, the greatest army in the world itself, will lose this war...and will fare ever so badly, and suffer dearly, in the next World War that is shortly before us. And a newly united Islamic Conference of Nations, the "ten toes" of the mighty statute or "image" envisioned by King Nebuchadnezzar as mentioned in Daniel 2:40-45 will exist at this time. Yes, those "Ten Toes" of this Great "Image" should be correctly understood to also represent the "10 horns" on the top of the "terribly fearsome" beast of Daniel 7:23-26. These "Ten Horns" will thus prove to be the collective entity of Islamic Nations, then under the leadership of Osama bin Laden, the "Small Horn" of Bible Prophecy, who will give American a surprising military defeat, and even apply the "deathstroke" to the only so-called Superpower on earth today, the military machinery of United States of America. And bible prophecy indicates, that they (America) will be defeatedly soundly. Afterwhich, Islam will be in power, worldwide, with devastating consequences for all "Christian" religions of the world, as well as the complete destruction and dismantling of the natural nation of "Israel " in the middle east. All of the above described events ensure the future to be particularly bloody, with the prolific use of biological, chemical and even nuclear warfare to be fully employed, with 1 out of every 4 humans upon this planet, experiencing an early demise! In fact, things will be so bad, that even the ecology of this earth will be completely knocked out for a period of time. Yes, nature out of balance, with wild animals attacking humans because of this imbalance in nature and its surrounding wildlife, accompanied with worldwide famine and the terrific spread of infestious diseases, yes deadly "pestilence," all ravaging the world's population at the same time, just as Jesus Christ himself predicted. -- See Matthew 24:7, 8; Luke 21:10, 11; Revelation 6:3-8; Revelation 13:12, 14.
2 News Items BelowIslamic states want U.S. out of Iraq |
Iraq divisions, anger at Israeli strike in Syria, mark summit |
PUTRAJAYA, Malaysia Oct. 11 ?
The world?s Islamic states opened their biggest meeting in three years Saturday with a call for the eviction of U.S. troops from Iraq and the rapid restoration of its sovereignty. |
Abdelouahed Belkaziz, the OIC?s secretary general, told the officials that Islamic nations ?are still under the strain of extremely difficult challenges and unprecedented threats to our countries? independence, sovereignty, security and courses.?
Top priority should go to ?the eviction of foreign forces from Iraq, allowing the United Nations to administer Iraqi affairs (as a) prelude to restoration of Iraq?s independence, and to the rebuilding of what has been destroyed over the past 20 years, all in accordance with a clear and short timetable,? he said.
Host Malaysia, a moderate, prosperous Southeast Asian country led by blunt-spoken Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, had attempted to keep the U.S.-picked Iraqi Governing Council from taking the seat formerly held by Saddam Hussein?s government, viewing the council as puppets
Syria declared that it wants the conference to formally condemn Israel?s airstrike against a training base for Palestinian militants on its soil. Damascus claims the base was closed years ago, while Israel insists it was being used recently by suicide bombers plotting attacks.
Syria has run into snags in the U.N. Security Council in persuading European countries to support a resolution condemning Israel, and the United States has threatened a veto.
?We are more hopeful than in any other sphere that the OIC will adopt the resolution supporting our position,? said Bashar Jaafaari, chief of the Syrian delegation.
The OIC has been dismissed by critics as a toothless talk shop with few concrete achievements. Malaysian officials say their nation, as OIC chair for the next three years, will strive to transform the organization into an effective advocate.
--------------------end of first news item---------------------
PUTRAJAYA, Malaysia Oct. 12 ?
Foreign ministers arriving Sunday at the world?s biggest meeting of Islamic states prepared to welcome Iraq?s new government ? at arm?s length ? and confer another layer of legitimacy to the U.S.-picked body.
THE MINISTERS, representing the 57 member states of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, arrived as lower-ranking officials from their countries put the final touches on agendas for ministerial meetings Monday and Tuesday, to be followed by a full summit of national leaders Thursday and Friday.
With the occupation of Iraq and threats to other countries reinforcing unease that the war on terrorism is turning into persecution of Muslims, officials said the ministers and leaders will discuss resolutions welcoming the Iraqi Governing Council and condemning Israel for last week?s airstrike against Syria.
They will also hear host Malaysia, led by blunt-spoken Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, urge that the 34-year-old organization cast off a reputation as being little more than a talking shop and show more unity as a strong advocate of Muslim nations on the world stage.
The status of Iraq since Saddam Hussein was toppled six months ago had led to disagreement in the OIC, with summit host Malaysia contending that no Iraqi government should be seated with the country under U.S. occupation, and the powerful Arab bloc saying that the Governing Council is transitional and legitimate enough, for now.
The Arab view prevailed, and Iraq will be represented by Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, a Kurd, and by Ayad Alawi, current holder of the council?s rotating leadership.
Delegates said that a resolution would likely welcome the Governing Council but be balanced with calls for Iraq?s return to full independence and sovereignty and control over its own oil.
The resolution ?is more of a welcome and acknowledgment of the Governing Council and considering it as a step in the right direction,? said Musa Braiza, a senior official from Jordan. ?I am not aware of any opposition.?
A resolution condemning Israel for launching an airstrike in Syria ? the first such attack in three decades ? was also expected, Syrian officials said. Israel has claimed that the attack targeted a training camp used by Palestinian militants. Syria insists the camp closed years ago.
Delegates said that no resolution was likely on the issue of sending peacekeepers to Iraq, which has divided Turkey from the Governing Council and other states.
Turkey, which once ruled much of the Arab world, has offered to send peacekeepers without waiting for Iraq to shift from control of the United States to the United Nations, a stumbling block for other Muslim countries demanding a U.N. mandate.
The Governing Council has rejected peacekeepers from neighboring countries, fearing they could end up interfering in Iraq?s internal affairs and that Turkey?s long-running conflict with ethnic Kurdish insurgents could spill over to Kurdish areas of northern Iraq.
The dispute has put the Governing Council on a collision course with its American overseers, who are desperate for foreign troops to relieve the burden on the 130,000 U.S. soldiers in Iraq.
Malaysia?s Mahathir, a staunch opponent of the U.S. invasion, said in an interview with the British Broadcasting Corp. that persistent attacks on U.S. troops show they are unwelcome in Iraq.
Mahathir, 77, who retires Oct. 31 after 22 years in power, said the current scenario in Iraq differed from that after World War II when U.S. troops who helped liberate Paris were showered with thanks.
?But today, we don?t see that thing happening in Iraq,? Mahathir said.
End of article