Hey Netflix posted their own version of the bunker movie!
JoinedPosts by WrongweektostopsniffingGlue
RC 2016 Leaks & Releases
by wifibandit inin an effort to reduce the number of posts, this year i will try to add links to this post.
now, on with the leaks & releases!
first up.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nzvwhflss4.
Was droping bomb on Hiroshima in 1945 evil?
by new hope and happiness insorry for such a depressing question, but i was moved by a picture i saw of the consequences.
( a woman carrying her child) and i realised:-.
a) it was a civillian population.. b) i don't see how a nuclear holocaust can ever be right.. c) they could have bombed tokyo where all the generals lived but chose hiroshima.. d) the irony after the bombing america conceeded to many of japans terms.. your opinion would be valued..
When those bombs were dropped the world was rapidly changing. One of the reasons they were dropped was to prevent what Truman's experts were saying would be death tolls in the millions just for the U.S alone and many more on the Japanese side if there was a land invasion. There was another reason they were dropped. The European side of the war was over and the allies were dividing up what was left over. At this point the Cold War begun and the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a message to the the world specifically the Russians. To the U.S at the time it ended the Pacific war and put the Russians in their place.
None of this justifies those bombs and the suffering they caused. But if you look at the modern consequences of those bombings it has shown mankind the serious consequences of using those weapons and maybe is reason they haven't been used since. It also left Japan refusing to ever have nuclear weapons and adopting a somewhat peaceful stance. There other terrible consequences like the proxy wars of the Cold War. But war is rarely justified especially the number of civilians lost in WW11.
What a Day!
by WrongweektostopsniffingGlue inalright so a couple, for lack of a better word, strange things happened today.
before i start i guess i should give some background.
i live in a densely mormon populated area where i go to a university.
Alright so a couple, for lack of a better word, strange things happened today. Before I start I guess I should give some background. I live in a densely Mormon populated area where I go to a university. I've lived in this town for some time and I am just biding my time till I graduate so I can leave. There is two parts to the story both of which are crazy.
A friend I have known since high school and I were leaving a late afternoon class. We were walking out to one of the many parking lots on campus. We were talking and catching up, since it has been a while since we've talked. She is not Mormon but has lived here her entire life in this town and is also wanting to leave. The conversation came around to it being hard living in a place like this with regards to making friends, finding jobs etc. It came up that I'm no longer a witness anymore and that religion is just odd.
I suppose I should mention that this last semester the dubs had set up a booth in the middle of campus. Which is irritating for several reasons but mostly for the fact it is a small town and I know all of them and try to avoid seeing their faces. Campus was the one place I felt relatively safe, which changed as soon as they showed up. So I have been avoiding them which is not easy since they situated themselves right in the middle of campus.
Anyways I asked my friend if she had seen them and she said yes and asked me if I had heard the story about an incident that happened. I hadn't so she proceeds to tell me: a guy she knows who is a geology major and most likely an atheist came across the dubs booth. He stopped and started a conversation with them which after a very short time went down hill. He said that they attacked his beliefs and he lost his cool and dropped the F-bomb on them(which would have been hilarious to see).
But the the dubs called campus security on him and the whole thing escalated. The dubs were going to file a restraining order against him but were talked out of it because it would prevent the student from coming to school because he would then be within 250 ft. of them. Needless to say he's ticked.
The second part of the story is: no sooner had my friend told me this story and we were talking about it, here comes two women in dresses walking down the sidewalk. But wait they weren't witnesses but Mormon missionaries. As to why they send missionaries to a town that is 95% Mormon escapes me.
My friend is very outgoing and so they stop to talk to us. After pleasentries were exchanged they asked what religions we were(The chance that they find the two students who happen to be non-Mormon). I told them that I wasn't any religion right now. My friend said pretty much the same. This of course peaked their interest.
My friend started talking about just being open and had recently gone to mass just to see what it was like, but that she is into science mostly. I stayed quiet for most of this time even though I could tell they were looking to "draw me out". My friend said that even though she is not Mormon she does respect what the missionaries were doing. At this moment they looked to me for my response, for some reason I was slightly irritated but holding it back.
I told them i understood what they were doing and that I had done something much like it before. At the moment it came out of my mouth I knew it was too late. But at this point I didn't care anymore and let the conversation continue as I knew it would. They both looked at me and said "really you have?" It was a matter of seconds before they put two and two together and asked if I had been a witness.
I said yes, that's when one of the missionaries looked at me and said that she had been raised as a witness but left five years ago. At this point I just laughed in shock. So I asked her why she left. This question threw her off at first and she asked if I wanted to really hear the answer right then. I told her that nothing she said would surprise me. Turns out she's Somoan and had nearly gotten baptized.
I was excited to hear what she had to say but it just turned into some garbled testimony of why she became Mormon and how it gave her the ability to talk to God in prayer. At this point I knew any rational answer was out of the question and I just smiled. After that they were asking for addresses so they could come see us and my friend told them she is never home but gave it anyway (even though I know she will never convert or is really interested in it at all). They wanted mine but I told them I had my fill of religion for the time and they left after that.
Anyways that is my long and crazy story of the day. the crazy thing is that when those missionaries were talking I knew exactly how they were trying to mold the conversation and saw myself when I was a dub, which was the irritating part. Even when your trying to put the whole witness thing in the past watch out because it will come slap you when your not expecting it.
So if you ever miss the witnesses or are looking for a substitute just go find your nearest Mormon stake house! :-)
Salt Lake City Convention this weekend
by I quit! inmy wife is again in salt lake city for her convention.
i was wondering how many days are they now?
use to be four when i last attended.
One cult in the capital city of another cult. Who would want to miss that?
Where in new bible is Jehovah added
by WrongweektostopsniffingGlue inwondering if anyone has found the six places the name jehovah is added in new bible?.
1 Samuel 2:25 had the name Jehovah in it two times in the old bible but the new has it 3 times.
Where in new bible is Jehovah added
by WrongweektostopsniffingGlue inwondering if anyone has found the six places the name jehovah is added in new bible?.
Wondering if anyone has found the six places the name Jehovah is added in new bible?
WTS overboard w/suggested presentation
by doinmypart inthe nov 2013 km contains an article that is ridiculous in its level of minutae.. they focus on the word "because".
they tell jws to use the word "because" when explaining why they're at the homeowner's door.
writing department, you wrote an article on the use of the word "because"?
Average JW's response to new light
by WrongweektostopsniffingGlue inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwcbag-s7ua.
What do you think happens when we die?
by cognac ini'm trying to figure it out.
if we are just dead then there is no point to anything i do.
i'd like to hope our energy goes somewhere... but, i'd like to examine what somebody presents as proof....
There's always a reason to live life. Live it for ourselves, others, enjoyment and just for the sake of it. As for an afterlife, it appears to come down to are we a single being or two distinct beings. If single, when the physical goes everything goes. The other takes you into a soul. Despite which one is true life is valuable. Don't waste it like WTS will have you do.
Any JWs You Know Practically Salivating Over this North Korea Situation???
by LostGeneration injust had a sick conversation with my jw father when picking up by kid.
dad: so things looking really bad in n korea huh?.
they rattle the cage every few years and everyone seems to just appease them.. dad: yeah, but this new guy, i mean he is just sounds plain crazy.
Witnesses who have been born and raised in the U.S, and especially whose family has lived for generations in the U.S, get paranoid whenever something is a potential threat to the U.S. War that has actual combat hasn't been fought on U.S soil since the civil war. Witnesses in the U.S think that if anything happens to this nation "it must be the end".