The single largest reason to decimate my belief in JW?s and all biblical faith occurred when I discovered some facts about our cells. Specifically a part of the cell called Mitochondria.
Mitochondria are sometimes described as "cellular power plants" because their primary purpose is to manufacture adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is used as a source of energy that the cell uses.
As humans one inherits one?s mitochondria only from one's mother, this finding implies that all living humans have a female line of descent from a woman whom researchers have dubbed Mitochondrial Eve. We do NOT inherit our Mitochondria from our fathers.
Since we are all humans one might expect us all to have identical Mitochondria. Not so. If we look at the spectrum of humanity geographically and racially we discover that different groups have mitochondria with sufficient differences and we can investigate the mitochondrial differences of the human groups and plot all living humans today back to single woman ? known as the ?Mitochondrial Eve?.
Biblical creationists might at this juncture point out that this is consistent with the Bible story of the first woman. Not so fast Batman!! If we believe the Bible we are left with a date of Eve?s existence being around 6,000 years ago. However, we can look at the different mitochondrial DNA of humans and examine them based on the molecular clock technique of correlating elapsed time with observed genetic drift. Using this technique we can clearly see that Mitochondrial Eve lived over 150,000 years ago, likely over 200,000 years ago.
This calls into question Bible Chronology in tracing the lineage of humans back to the supposed Adam and Eve of the Bible ? else the hard evidence would support a mitochondrial drift dating back only 6,000 years but as I showed above the date if off by a factor of greater than 30. So where does this leave us? If the reason for a Messiah was to save us from Adamic sin and yet we cannot even closely correlate an Adam back to the Mitochondrial Eve (certainly not using the Bible explanation) then the whole concept of Adamic Sin falls flat and thus the need for Jesus to save us from Adamic sin. Without Adam and Jesus the Bible becomes largely pointless except to be a book of wisdom like so many other books.
How can anyone learn about:
- Mitochondria, how we inherit it from our mothers;
- see the differences in the mitochondria of others;
- and very obviously observe that the common ancestor of humanity lived way before Biblical explanation by a factor of 30
and then still believe the rest of the Bible?
While many believers will play ostrich with the blatant evidence and bury their heads in the sand they will look at my argument and say ?see we did have a beginning just like the Bible says?, I suggest they look into the matter intelligently. Reasoning on just this revelation and the implications thereof can change your life.
For further reading I suggest these links: