S&R: One of the contributing factors to me leaving was the realisation we were being led by idiots.
Yes, exactly!
When the GB members kept a low profile, it was easy to imagine them as being qualified spiritual leaders. But when they began seeking prominence that illusion quickly vanished.
Over the years, I've met Lösch after he gave a part at a Circuit Assembly, heard Herd "teach" at an Elders' School and endured Lett numerous times at District Conventions.
The collective experience has overwhelmingly demonstrated that these men are exactly as S&R describes them in his OP: bumbling fools.
To make it worse, Herd is clearly a small-minded bigot.
Their recent foray into "television" repeatedly confirms what poor leaders they are, Anthony Morris in particular. What a repulsive human being he is!
Clearly, no God in his/her/its right mind would ever pick these men to represent him, at least not a god that I'd worship!
Let's review: It's a cult!