JoinedPosts by Oubliette
The "mis-truths" said by brothers during the Royal Commission.
by stuckinarut2 inmy sister said she heard several "mis truths" or dare we say, "lies" said by the brothers on the stand during the royal commission.. 1) vin toole lied when asked about the expression "theocratic warfare".
he said he was unaware of the term.
2) terry obrien lied when asked whether witnesses are free to research the organisation or free to leave without any negative consequences.. 3) geoff jackson lied when he said that the organisation doesn't run a 'police state' and doesn't criticise those who want to leave.
Liars gotta lie. It's what they do. -
Uh-oh, the elders want to pay us a visit!!
by BeautifulMind inso, hubby gets contacted today by one of the elders saying 2 of them want to pay us a visit and asks him when we are available.
we both had the heart drop feeling for a few minutes lol.
but he promptly, and politely, informed them that we are very busy but he will let them know when we are free.
When the elders called and said they wanted to have a "shepherding call" I politely, but firmly, said I wouldn't be interested in that, but if they would be so good as to help me reconcile with a "still-in" family member that shuns me I would appreciate that.
The elder said he'd get back to me on that. It's been about six months. I'm still waiting for him to get back to me.
Let's just say I'm not holding my breath.
Nice Old Dears Tried to "Witness" to me Today
by cofty inan older man and wife - ray and mary - got chatting to me today.
they were tourists admiring local wildlife.
i gave them a few tips on where to go to see some interesting things and it wasn't long before they were telling me about how awful the world is "nowadays" and paradise yadda yadda.
... the situation was as bad in every country where there was no mandatory reporting ...
Fact Check: As Justice McLellan schooled the WTBTS reps, several states in Australia DID have mandatory reporting laws in place during the last 65 years, and STILL not one of those 1,006 known abusers were reported to the secular authorities. Not one.
The scope of this failure to do what is right is epic beyond description.
As one journalist covering the case reported--and I'm paraphrasing--the WTBTS has the worst record of dealing with pedophiles among their ranks of any religion.
I believe she described their approach to victims of sexual abuse as "medieval."
Nice Old Dears Tried to "Witness" to me Today
by cofty inan older man and wife - ray and mary - got chatting to me today.
they were tourists admiring local wildlife.
i gave them a few tips on where to go to see some interesting things and it wasn't long before they were telling me about how awful the world is "nowadays" and paradise yadda yadda.
I told him that we are living in the greatest time in all of human history. He literally laughed out loud. Then Mary did too.
The average JW is an ignorant fool
So I asked him to tell me which decade in all of history he would prefer to be born in. He was stuck so he changed the subject. I asked the question again. Repeat cycle 4 times. He admitted he has no idea about history.
The average JW is an ignorant fool
Nice Old Dears Tried to "Witness" to me Today
by cofty inan older man and wife - ray and mary - got chatting to me today.
they were tourists admiring local wildlife.
i gave them a few tips on where to go to see some interesting things and it wasn't long before they were telling me about how awful the world is "nowadays" and paradise yadda yadda.
the GB are only humans and they make mistakes
Yeah, you can say the same thing about the Pope and all the Bishops in the Catholic Church.
Message to all JWs everywhere: Get the fuckin' clue! You're in a man-made religion just like all the others. Maybe better than some, but definitely worse than most.
Caught in LIE Head of Bethel Australia service desk Rodney Spinks by Angus Stewart Australia Investigation day 6
by Watchtower-Free insixth day of live testimony .
this bethelite head of service desk at australia jehovah's witnesses headquarters lied under oath and is caught here by by angus stewart.
He claims their "actions" do not match the written instructions. But of course he cannot prove they DO what he says the DO.
Q: Is there any reason to believe they do anything other than what the written instructions direct?
Let's review: It's a cult!
Local Congregation Takes Away My Dad's Phone Hook-Up (HE'S 85 YRS. OLD)
by NoMoreHustle inthis happened about 6 months ago, didn't really have an opportunity to post about it (been busy), but they still haven't given back his password for the phone hook-up.
they say that this is direction from the "branch office".
i think it's complete bs, the real reason why they are doing this is to punish me & my family because i am basically a ghost when it comes to meetings & any type of activity.
Sigh ...
Let's review: It's a cult!
A young Indian woman tracks down the man who raped her, and ....
by fulltimestudent inhttps://www.facebook.com/cctvnewschina/videos/1028635983843888/?pnref=story
It's impossible to comment intelligently without knowing all the facts of what transpired between them before. -
Sparrowdown nailed it!
Bad art.
New Kingdom Halls
by panhandlegirl inwhat's with all this new kingdom hall building?
just watched jw broadcasting about their master plan for building new kingdom halls.
sounds like a big deal.
Curiously, the expansion and building always seems to be going on somewhere else!
Why could that be?
OK, everyone, let's review ....