Fred Franz, "We know it's a critical year, but we're not saying."
Hint, innuendo and manipulation.
Everyone certainly knew what Franz was implying.
for any lurkers who don't believe the watchtower taught that the world would end in 1975... rare jehovah's witnesses 1968 interview "armageddon and 1975" london watchtower rep speaks to bbc. --------.
but where will this system of things be by that time?
Fred Franz, "We know it's a critical year, but we're not saying."
Hint, innuendo and manipulation.
Everyone certainly knew what Franz was implying.
saturday, september 19th, 2015: .
earlier today snugglebunny posted a pic of today's "daily text" which is based on a paragraph from the november 15th, 2013 article.
that magazine contains the now infamous maxim: .
Saturday, September 19th, 2015:
Earlier today snugglebunny posted a pic of today's "Daily Text" which is based on a paragraph from the November 15th, 2013 article. That magazine contains the now infamous maxim:
It took a minute, but I just realized with some pleasure that when that WT article was studied on Sunday, January, 20th, 2014, that was the very last time I ever attended a meeting!
I have not set foot in a Kingdom Hall since all the congregations around the world were told: "All of us must be ready to OBEY any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound ... or not."
That was it for me. I was done.
That paragraph concluded with this little bit of "advice" from the Brooklyn Seven: "Now is the time for any who may be putting their trust in secular education, material things, or human institutions to adjust their thinking."
In the time since that was published I have completed a Master's degree in Education. As a result, I became a full-time permanent teacher in my school district. My income has more than doubled since those "words of wisdom" were published for the manipulation and control of gullible Witnesses of Jehovah.
I have adjusted my thinking. I left the religion and my life has never been better!
I just realized with some pleasure that when the November 15, 2013 WT article was studied in January 2014, that was the very last time I ever attended a meeting!
I have not set foot in a Kindgom Hall since the congregations around the world were told: "All of us must be ready to OBEY any instructions we may receive ..."
That was it for me. I was done.
Let's review: It's a cult!
The comments conclude by admonishing us to "adjust our thinking."
Well I'm happy to report that I have adjusted my thinking!
And I am so much happier because of these adjustments in my thinking.
Praise be my new found thinking abilities!
Let's review: It's a cult!
let's pretend this might happen.
im not asking what it will mean for the jdubs or for the organization, but what will it mean for you---- if one day you wake up and the watchtower drops the 1914 doctrine.. (you know at some point they have to, but probably not our lifetime).
if you are disfellowshipped or disassociated and have been shunned by your parents, by your children, by you spouse or ex-husband/wife, for years or even less, will you call your relatives and ask/tell them;.
IF they drop it, which I don't see them doing anytime soon, I'll have two questions:
last night i ran into a former elder friend, he is in his late 70s.
he asked how i was doing and i asked how he was doing.
then out of the blue he tells me; .
ToesUp: I agree but they just can't give it up. They don't know where else to go. It scares them to leave their comfort zone. It is also there only source of "friends."
I mostly agree with you, except they CAN "give it up," they're just afraid.
I have become convinced that deep down, most--maybe even all--JWs are cowards. They are afraid to face so many things: the real truth and the fact that they've been fooled/duped/swindled.
But maybe their biggest fear is to become self-reliant.
"Fear is the mind killer." - Frank Herbert, Dune
last night i ran into a former elder friend, he is in his late 70s.
he asked how i was doing and i asked how he was doing.
then out of the blue he tells me; .
"he claims that he does not expect that the big A will happen in his lifetime."
Well the LEADERS of this religion consistently claim it will, soon in fact.
So if these people don't believe the WT leaders, then why, of why, do they follow them?
Frankly, that's just stupid. It shows a lack of personal integrity and intellectual honesty.
Let's review: It's a cult!