A. Are thousands of people really asking for Bible studies?
I seriously doubt it. Why would a website (that people have to seek out on their own initiative) be more effective than the personal approach? There is no good reason.
I'm calling bullshit on this one.
B. Are The JW Carts more effective?
Puh-leeze! Of course this is anecdotal, but I've seen those carts a half dozen times in various locations throughout SoCal. In a couple of places I was able to observe their activity for an hour or so because I was nearby for an appointment (once at the DMV) and only one time did anyone approach the cart.
The one time, a woman who was obviously bored waiting for her turn at the DMV walked over, picked up a book, looked at if for 10 - 15 seconds and immediately put it back. The JW manning the cart made no attempt to talk to her, nor did the woman talk to the JW.
Another time, I saw a cart at a busy train station in Santa Barbara. Hundreds of people were walking by the cart and the table the "brothers" had set up. All of the people walking by avoided the Witnesses by a very wide berth.
I'm calling bullshit on this one too!
C. Is construction and sale of Real Estate and Donations going to supersede the door to door work?
I actually think this one is very likely true.
The WTBTS has a winning model:
- Buy a dilapidated property (using donated funds ostensibly for the World Wide Work),
- Improve it with free, volunteer labor and largely donated materials,
- Wait until the time is right,
- Flip it.
- Lather, rinse and repeat
Continue to beat the friends to donate more with "stealth tithing," and constant guilt-tripping.
Let's review: It's a cult!