xjwsrock: They are also handing out titles like "remote bethelite" to people that are doing remote programming and drafting work for these construction projects.
You forgot: "Commuter Bethelite"
its been a couple of weeks since a new c.o.
was appointed to the circuit and im starting to hear tidbits of his talks..
one brother told me that in one of his talks he asked the question; .
xjwsrock: They are also handing out titles like "remote bethelite" to people that are doing remote programming and drafting work for these construction projects.
You forgot: "Commuter Bethelite"
today i added a new article to my blog.
it includes a not-yogi berra quote in memory of a beloved man.
oh, and it includes a two image depiction of how watchtower has but hasn't changed.
Marvin, great posts!
It really shows how silly and ridiculous WT/JW beliefs are.
Let's review: It's a cult!
its been a couple of weeks since a new c.o.
was appointed to the circuit and im starting to hear tidbits of his talks..
one brother told me that in one of his talks he asked the question; .
A. Are thousands of people really asking for Bible studies?
I seriously doubt it. Why would a website (that people have to seek out on their own initiative) be more effective than the personal approach? There is no good reason.
I'm calling bullshit on this one.
B. Are The JW Carts more effective?
Puh-leeze! Of course this is anecdotal, but I've seen those carts a half dozen times in various locations throughout SoCal. In a couple of places I was able to observe their activity for an hour or so because I was nearby for an appointment (once at the DMV) and only one time did anyone approach the cart.
The one time, a woman who was obviously bored waiting for her turn at the DMV walked over, picked up a book, looked at if for 10 - 15 seconds and immediately put it back. The JW manning the cart made no attempt to talk to her, nor did the woman talk to the JW.
Another time, I saw a cart at a busy train station in Santa Barbara. Hundreds of people were walking by the cart and the table the "brothers" had set up. All of the people walking by avoided the Witnesses by a very wide berth.
I'm calling bullshit on this one too!
C. Is construction and sale of Real Estate and Donations going to supersede the door to door work?
I actually think this one is very likely true.
The WTBTS has a winning model:
Continue to beat the friends to donate more with "stealth tithing," and constant guilt-tripping.
Let's review: It's a cult!
there were many addressed to me.
for example, i once had a sister tell me i was gambling because i liked playing skill crane (the machine where you have to try to pick up prizes like stuffed animals) at the arcade.
i then fired back a her: "you saw the r-rated movie 'backdraft.
TruthSeeker: Oubliette don't the student testimonials in that advertisement give you that warm and fuzzy feeling about how normal these people are? LOL just kidding
Maybe not warm, but certianly fuzzy, ... or feathered, as the case may be!
the culture of jws as encouraged by the watchtower is one of informing on one another, reporting to either the elders or ones designated head.
whats the wackiest thing that someone reported on you?
im not talking about a black-and-white watchtower rule that would land you in a judicial committee, but some judgmental nonsense that someone thought they should turn you in about?.
Londo: Sam Herd ... brought up Star Wars. He said he couldn’t recommend the movie because it “promoted war”
That's right. Jehovah the genocidal "powerful warrior" can't stand anyone else taking life--even if it's fictional--because that's his job. - Exodus 15:3
the culture of jws as encouraged by the watchtower is one of informing on one another, reporting to either the elders or ones designated head.
whats the wackiest thing that someone reported on you?
im not talking about a black-and-white watchtower rule that would land you in a judicial committee, but some judgmental nonsense that someone thought they should turn you in about?.
OFS: the eldurrs "talked" to me ... [because] my vehicle had been seen late at night in front of a nightclub and that I should park a few blocks away so as not to "stumble" anyone.
No doubt that was what they did.
the culture of jws as encouraged by the watchtower is one of informing on one another, reporting to either the elders or ones designated head.
whats the wackiest thing that someone reported on you?
im not talking about a black-and-white watchtower rule that would land you in a judicial committee, but some judgmental nonsense that someone thought they should turn you in about?.
Londo: I went on a date, chaperoned by my friend and my date’s friend. I was 29, living on my own. This was playing by JW rules 100%. An elder and his wife saw us and still decided to report the matter to my parents.
What did they "report"?
That's just messed up.
the culture of jws as encouraged by the watchtower is one of informing on one another, reporting to either the elders or ones designated head.
whats the wackiest thing that someone reported on you?
im not talking about a black-and-white watchtower rule that would land you in a judicial committee, but some judgmental nonsense that someone thought they should turn you in about?.
Diogenesister: where does sam Herd get that god-awful nasally accent?
Obviously, it comes from talking out of his ass!
there were many addressed to me.
for example, i once had a sister tell me i was gambling because i liked playing skill crane (the machine where you have to try to pick up prizes like stuffed animals) at the arcade.
i then fired back a her: "you saw the r-rated movie 'backdraft.
Truthseeker101, here is the truth you seek:
"Since 1975, The American Institute of Taxidermy has been proud to be the leader in taxidermy training. Now we would like to bring that training to the comfort of your own home by being the first to offer online classes. Starting in January 2008, we began offering Deer and Pheasant Mounting sessions. In August 2008 we expanded our offerings to include sessions in Coyote, Bass and Squirrel Mounting."
* * * * * * * * * * * *
"... This is the greatest thing I have ever done and I love taxidermy. Can't wait to sign up for the next course." Kathy M |
* * * * * * * * * * * *
The online course was far more detailed than anything I have seen
before. I never had to guess at anything because nothing was missing. I
look forward to taking the online bird class soon."
Bob I.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Enjoyed mounting these squirrels a lot and I can see that I did a
better job on the second one than the first. I'm looking forward to my
next class (coyote) and challenge."
Jack from Indiana
* * * * * * * * * * * *
"... I couldn't be any happier with the online Turkey Flying class! It's so exciting telling people that I mounted it myself!" Judy C. |
* * * * * * * * * * * *
i apologize for the self-serving nature of this post.. i first said this to a lovely person here to encourage her and add a bit of humour to a harsh situation, but i've fallen in love with my own words, ha, and would like to use a variation of what i said to her as my new signature quote.
it's a bit long, and could become tiresome eventually, but do you forum members think that you might like (or could tolerate, heh) seeing this on my posts?.
.... "may god, or the universe, or airborne spaghetti, or energies or wavelengths or frequencies, or quantum particles that somehow attract things to us, or telepathic manipulation by aliens -- bless you.
MW, I love the sentiment, but it is a bit long.
But personally, I'm not really much of a fan of signature quotes! So feel free to take my opinion with a grain of salt