JeffT: there is no big (or little) plan, there is nothing to figure out because they don't know what they're doing.
Thanks for supporting what I've been saying for years.
You have seven uneducated yahoos that actually believe "God chose them" to lead his people.
They're complete fuckin' idiots. They were handed on a silver platter a growing religion (aka real estate and publishing empire) and they drove it into the ground because they are stupid.
Yes, that's right: Tight Pants Tonny, Ol' Rubber-face Stevie, Sammy the Bigot, Davey the 'splainer, Jack-me-off Geoffey, Douche-bag Lösch and Marky-mark the Wannabe-Underlapper are all a bunch of fuckin' delusional, paranoid idiots.
Any god that would pick these guys for anything oughta' have His head examined!
Let's review children: It's a cult!