I don't want to be a damp squib but do we know this letter is actually real.
How interesting ... we can't tell parody from the real thing, ... or the real thing from parody.
What does this say about the quality of "the real thing"?
october 4, 2015. to all congregations.
re: new provisions announced atannual meeting.
dear brothers:.
I don't want to be a damp squib but do we know this letter is actually real.
How interesting ... we can't tell parody from the real thing, ... or the real thing from parody.
What does this say about the quality of "the real thing"?
seriously, they will change the midweek meeting ever so slightly.
it is just repackaging of the same old stuff.seriously, we don't know if construction is halted for days, weeks, months, forever, or what.. we don't know if new kingdom halls will still go up, old kingdom halls will be closed and sold.
they have laid off bethelites before and they will lay them off some more.
Ah, a voice of reason cries out in the wilderness.OTWO: Speculation is fun, I know we are going to do it, but just be careful running with these scissors.
FayeDunaway: It's always fun to speculate on the future of the religion that was BUILT on speculating on the future!
Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!
i keep hearing this in threads.....
SB: Just for interest sake, wouldn't it be like the US president filing a DMCA for a transcript of the state of the union address?
No it would not. Speeches by federal employees are in the public domain.
Fair use does not allow for anything under copyright to be reproduced in whole without the express permission of the copyright holder. Only excerpts may be used for legitimate purposes such as education, journalistic reporting, etc.
I don't believe it!
No, seriously: I don't believe it!!!
I guess that makes you a prophet.
i keep hearing this in threads.....
Saintbertholdt: The weird thing is they claimed copyright infringement on the transcript of a public talk.
Speeches are subject to copyright protection just as much as any other intellectual property. The odd thing is that it is the person that gave the speech that would own the copyrights, unless specifically transferred.
it looks like sophia is starting to wake up,.... if this video does not embed, will someone more int he know please take the url and fix it in a post below.. thanks, .
It's probably even protected under the parody provision of US Copyright Laws.
i just called brooklyn bethel service dept.
they said they had not heard anything about a worldwide shut down of construction.
i asked if he had heard about london bethel shutting down construction.. he said no that it was a surprise to him.
WF, thanks for sharing your call.
The brother that answered your call clearly did not deny the rumor, he just said he hadn't heard it and wasn't in a position to comment.
The fact is: anything other than a confirmation is pretty meaningless. Even a denial wouldn't mean much. It's not like the WT leadership has an unvarnished record of honesty and transparency.
i keep hearing this in threads.....
It's an interesting question.
If they do, the control freaks that run the WTBTS must be absolutely livid at all the leaks that are coming out of their own sinking ship!
i asked if the new britain branch construction had stopped, and i was told that "the governing body instructed us to cease all work on the project.".
"earthquakes" in one place after another!.
Searcher and Bohm, thanks.
This is really interesting!!!
as i've mentioned from time to time, i'm a retired accountant.
i have tried many times to come up with some logical, sound business reason why the wtbs has made the big changes in its financial arrangements: taking the congregations savings, the monthly donations per congregation etc.
i finally came up with the answer.. the leadership of the watchtower society is batshit crazy.
LisaRose: Maybe it's just a temporary cash flow issue, or maybe they have some hits on their investments, or maybe there are lawsuits we don't know about, it's hard to say.
Or maybe the people that are REALLY running this scam cashed out and are now MIA: adios, sayonara, so long, ciao.