Bohm: readability indexing calculator
You only need to use a random sample of 100 words of text, using complete sentences of course.
the new "bible teach" book is out!
thetruthbr has posted links for this and several other of the new publications.
as an educator, i am very interested in where the society is heading with their alleged "bible education" program.
Bohm: readability indexing calculator
You only need to use a random sample of 100 words of text, using complete sentences of course.
the new "bible teach" book is out!
thetruthbr has posted links for this and several other of the new publications.
as an educator, i am very interested in where the society is heading with their alleged "bible education" program.
The NEW "Bible Teach" book is out!
TheTruthBR has posted links for this and several other of the new publications.
So for fun I ran the first three paragraphs of chapter one through a readability indexing calculator.
The results were unsurprising. These opening paragraphs had an average score of 5th grade level (based on US standards, which are not exactly the highest on the planet).
What this clearly means is not a RAISING of the standards for academic rigor in JW-land, but a LOWERING of the bar. This is indicative of a deliberate dumbing down of the religion. The WT's target reading ability is a full three grade levels below the average reading ability of the general public. They're deliberately aiming at 11 year old children!
Really shameful!
Note the description of the scoring results below:
A grade level (based on the USA education system) is equivalent to the number of years of education a person has had. A score of around 10-12 is roughly the reading level on completion of high school. Text to be read by the general public should aim for a grade level of around 8.
Readability Formula Grade
Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level 4
Gunning-Fog Score 6
Coleman-Liau Index 8.5
SMOG Index 4.1
Automated Readability Index 3.8
Average Grade Level 5.3
I was blown away by the fact that at the "sample meeting" everyone was using an iPad or similar tablet device!
Watch from about 2:00" - 2:30"
That whole Our Christian Life and Ministry Sample Meeting video is full on 700 Club stuff!
607 B.C.E. is also mentioned in the new OD book on page 108:
David’s son Solomon built a house, or temple, for God’s glory. (1 Ki. 9:3) After that temple was destroyed in 607 B.C.E., the Jews arranged to meet in buildings called synagogues to worship God.
Gotta love the sample meeting video. The leaders of this cult really don't think much of their followers, do they?
That they made a video that is 1 hour, 11 minutes and 39 seconds in length just to show how such a meeting should be conducted is evidence that they think the average JW is not too bright and can't follow simple directions.
Seriously, let's review: It's a cult!
first, how about a joke?.
what do you call someone who just turned apostate?.
im thinking sometime in the future the society will put a spin on what is happening similar to what has been done in the past.. they will say apostasy once again reared its ugly head in the organization and layoffs was the only way to "cleanse" the organization.. once disgruntled ones begin to use their voice, they will be forced to strike back with some spin to make all those who have the guts to complain look like they were the problem.. good theory huh?.
just ask yourself about the fundamentals - does God exist? Does he care? Is he going to do something?"
Maybe, maybe and maybe.
But even if you answer "yes" to all of these questions, they ignore the real question: Is this religion representing that God?
Let's review: It's a cult!
t. .
The IBSA did however confirm it was pulling the plug on other construction projects worldwide.
Stephen Morris, IBSA's personnel support manager at its branch relocation department, said: "In order to make best use of contributed funds, some construction projects worldwide will be delayed or cancelled.
churches and religious organisations would lose millions of dollars in tax breaks, concessions and hand outs under a radical plan to force priests, rabbis and imams to sign up to a national faith register.
under the bold proposal clergy would for the first time be forced to undergo government-specified training and security checks and would be monitored by a national body, or risk losing government funding..
former premier ted baillieu has backed the plan that has been put to federal and state leaders including the prime ministers office, and premier daniel andrews..
The proposals would see clergy accredited in the same way as lawyers, doctors and teachers by an independent federal statutory body charged with registering all clergy for practice in Australia. They would be subjected to government-specified training in Australian law, child sexual abuse, family violence, women’s rights, and children’s rights. They would also be forced to renew a “licence” to practice annually, which would require meeting ongoing educational training requirements.
I love it. Make it so!
how sick and sanctimonious can the scumbags at brooklyn get?.
in the very last kingdom ministry ever concocted, here is what is being presented to congregations as "spiritual food":.
week starting december 28.
Newsroom! Hahahahahaha.
It's not as if their "news" is balanced and unbiased.
I noticed there was nothing about the testimony of Geoffy Jackson down in Oz!
Let's review: It's a cult!