LQ: After watching the sample meeting video, here take was: same stuff, different packaging.
Yep. It's all window dressing. Nothing substantive.
The people running this thing are clearly uninspired and out of ideas.
had a quick look at the workbook and flicked through the sample meeting video.. the increased use of video shows the trend for more centralised dissemination of "best practice" .
sure there isn't really a "school" any more and the format is a bit different but i think those that called it as the same old crap just in new package got it pretty much right.
LQ: After watching the sample meeting video, here take was: same stuff, different packaging.
Yep. It's all window dressing. Nothing substantive.
The people running this thing are clearly uninspired and out of ideas.
i just put an entry on my blog.
thought it might be useful in all the discussions about money.
feel free to post questions or comments either here or on my blog.. http://pathologicallyintellectual.blogspot.com/.
OC, no worries. Note the use of "almost" in my preceding post!
If I ever make it north of the line I'll take you up on that offer.
i just put an entry on my blog.
thought it might be useful in all the discussions about money.
feel free to post questions or comments either here or on my blog.. http://pathologicallyintellectual.blogspot.com/.
OrphanCrow, you made me almost spit my coffee all over my laptop in laughter.
You're probably right!
this video deal with some really important information that i wanted to share with you all, looks like it may have hit a nerve in the watchtower, because the stock link he mentioned in the video has been taken down, it was up yesterday, he says he plays chess and anticipated they would do that, so he supplied a secondary link to the same information.
the entire 8 part series is very informative exposing alot about watchtower doctrine, and hidden elements.
here is the link to the video.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0lrdx3vpug.
mynameislame, Good question!
On closer look, it appears that these might be outright holdings.
I think I jumped to the conclusion it was a detailed listing of the holdings in a mutual fund from the Fidelity account listed at the top of page 26.
That would make it even more egregious that they continue to hold positions in individual equities from which they could easily divest themselves.
this video deal with some really important information that i wanted to share with you all, looks like it may have hit a nerve in the watchtower, because the stock link he mentioned in the video has been taken down, it was up yesterday, he says he plays chess and anticipated they would do that, so he supplied a secondary link to the same information.
the entire 8 part series is very informative exposing alot about watchtower doctrine, and hidden elements.
here is the link to the video.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0lrdx3vpug.
Here is a link to an interesting US Federal tax documents:
IRS Form 990 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax - Henrietta M. Riley Trust for the WTBTS
Beginning on page 26 is a detailed listing of the trust's investment portfolio. Here are a few holdings which I find both ironic and hypocritical:
Granted, these are holdings in a mutual fund with a diverse portfolio of holdings. But there is not question that the primary mission of many of these companies are in direct conflict with the alleged moral position of the WTBTS.
Boeing, Northrop Grumman and United Technologies are huge defense contractors. Lions Gate makes tons of R-rated movies. The list is long.
The fact is, they WT leaders are hypocrites. This just proves they're whores for money. High-priced whores, but whores nonetheless.
Let's review: It's a cult!
i just put an entry on my blog.
thought it might be useful in all the discussions about money.
feel free to post questions or comments either here or on my blog.. http://pathologicallyintellectual.blogspot.com/.
Jeff, I appreciated your review of Generally Accepted
Accounting Practices (GAAP). Although I am now an educator, my first degree is in business. I worked for many years in the financial sector, primarily with real estate investments.
One of the things that always irked me when I was still in this cult was the fact that, although every congregation publicly reviewed their accounts report every single month, the organization never discloses any of its financial matters.
This lack of transparency was and remains disturbing to me. How can we know what they're doing with the funds we donated when they never reveal the details of their finances. There is no independent accounting. Frankly, none among the seven morons (apparently) running this religion appears to have the business acumen or financial background to be at the reins of such a large entity. And it is clear there's no "Jehovah" watching the books. - Hebrews 4:13
I have long suspected that there must be a cadre of legal and financial advisors actually running the ship, but if they are "true-believers," then they are doing so while acquiescing to the "leadership role" of the seven.
Can you imagine what it must be like for someone with actual business sense to try and give financial advice to Stephen Lett? What a nightmare that must be!
At any rate, I appreciate your attempts to shed light on what is deliberately a very dark place: the accounting and business practices of the cult known as Jehovah's Witnesses, aka The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society and its numerous subsidiaries, divisions and shell corporations.
the new "bible teach" book is out!
thetruthbr has posted links for this and several other of the new publications.
as an educator, i am very interested in where the society is heading with their alleged "bible education" program.
Kate: I actually mentioned it in another thread that I think WT is targeting pre teens....and have them baptised and trapped at a younger age than normal.
That is a distinct possibility. Good call!
George: True, but the letter was released here on this site on 24th September!!!!
My point. Maybe Titch's niece is a closet JWN member.
Stuck: So is the "apostate chariot" moving faster that the official chariot??
Zoom, zoom.
You heard it here first!
the question i will be asking dubs at the hall this week is, "since jesus is directing the slave.... why has he done a 180..?".
last sunday we studied how jesus is directing the slave to build an average of 5 kingdom halls a day since 2000. why has he changed his mind and gone in the completely opposite direction?.
if this 'change' is not securely lodged in their craw by the time i am through, then i will eat my hat..
Last Sunday we studied how Jesus is directing the slave to build an average of 5 kingdom halls a day since 2000. Why has he changed his mind and gone in the completely opposite direction?
It's amazing that the way Jehovah directs this organization is completely indistinguishable from what it would look like if God was NOT directing it or involved in any way, but that it is run by seven clueless, uninspired buffoons with no business savvy or financial acumen.
What an awesome and subtle God we worship!
...is that most jws don't know anything about the financial news that is happening right now.
sure it has trickled down to the elders and those who volunteer for construction but the average jw has no idea.
no one in my hall has said a thing about it.
You got that right.
If ignorance is bliss, then the average JW must be in constant ecstasy!