Thanks nicolaou!
I was recently asked by two forum members why I refuse to be called an "apostate." Here are my reasons:
"Apostate" is a label the WTBTS leaders use to demonize those that
dare question their authority, their teachings and anything else about them.
It's the religious equivalent of the Hegelian concept of: "other."
It's a slanderous, pejorative term.
Why would anyone want to give another person that power over them? Why use the WT's derogatory term in reference to one self?
if you want to get technical, according to the WT's own definition of the word, the
current GB members are all apostates for "falling away from the faith"
that was delivered to them. Who the hell do they think they are to
change one iota of JW/WT doctrine or "theology"?
No, I am not an apostate. I am a human being. I am a secular humanist. I am a father, a husband, a neighbor, a friend. I am an educator. I am a man.