Would you honestly try to convince a 3rd party that the WTS is an "evil
cult" by claiming that the conservative christian religious group was
using scriptures about modesty to say people shouldn't wear immodest
clothing when doing their ministry?
Of course not.
There is plenty of other evidence this religion is a high-control, authoritarian cult. I'd use that.
But you failed to address my point: these "rules" are not about clothing; they are an ill-conceived attempt at controlling behavior.
I had my own retail business years ago and I had a dress code for my employees. It was very specific. For example: No visible body piercings other than earrings.
This WT letter gives very vague guidelines on what is "appropriate." Again, for example: How "tight" is too tight?
This kind of language is a license for power-hungry, homophobic elders to ride roughshod over people they don't like.
When I had my business, I in no way tried to censor, control or otherwise any exert pressure on my employees to conform to my personal standards of what is "appropriate" or not concerning their sexuality or other aspects of their personal life and identity. That was their business, not mine.
This WT letter is an attempt to control exactly those things that should be off-limits.
Again, this is not really about clothing. It is about trying to control behavior.