There are lots of things to pin on the WTS but conservative clothing?
Why do you keep insisting this issue is only about clothing and a dress code?
It is clearly NOT about just that. Indeed, it is about gender identity profiling based on several different things, dress being just one of them.
True, part of the outline addresses an individual's choice of clothing--something they could change. But the entire thrust of this document is really based on things that a person could never completely change about themselves: their basic core behaviors, mannerisms and speech.
If a person did try to change and/or suppress these things about themselves it would likely lead to serious emotional and mental disturbances.
Previously when I tried to engage you on this distinction you responded by pointing out that JWs and the Bible have always condemned homosexuality, as if that was news. It's not news. I know that. We all do.
The disturbing difference here is that this is not targeting homosexual acts, but it is targeting behaviors and personality traits that do not in and of themselves indicate or prove a person is actively engaging in sexual activity of any kind, let alone with those of the same sex.
It no longer matters if someone is a celibate homosexual, they are now in the cross-hairs of the Circuit Overseers and congregation elders simply because of the way they dress, behave as well as any mannerisms or speech that is perceived as "gender-blurring," whatever the hell that means?