You seem to be of the opinion that the cover-up of the crime is worse than the crime itself.
This perception is only in your mind. I most certainly DO NOT hold the opinion you have stated above.
Once again, I never said anything to even hint at that. I merely said they are separate issues. Please do not misconstrue my words.
So, if you want to let-off the perpetrator then the same surely applies to the cover up as well.
I do NOT want to "let-off the perpetrator." Again, I never said such a thing. Please desist from claiming I have made statements which I have not made.
Also, your conclusion does not follow from your premise. They are separate issues and should be handled separately. I did say that previously in this thread.
Simon, You have a recurring tendency to accuse me of holding opinions, thoughts and beliefs which I do not have and have never expressed, and when I explicitly state I do not hold these ideas you repeatedly refuse to acknowledge that. It's rather annoying.
Sorry, I just don't agree with where your reasoning inevitably leads.
That's okay, it's not my reasoning, it's yours. You are disagreeing with your own misperceptions about things you imagine I think, but which I do not.
Please stop.