It is important to consider the employability and earning potential of any degree(s) earned. At the risk of stating the obvious, a BA in art history will not open the door to as many job opportunities as a degree in engineering.
Part of making this decision should be having an end goal in mind, that is: What are your plans after college?
Obviously there are exceptions to any kind of situation. There are PhDs that are unemployed and people that only have a high school diploma pulling down six-figures or more every year. But it makes sense to go with the odds unless you are the exception. If you are, then play that lottery and more power to you!
But the fact is: educated people generally earn more than those that are not. YMMV.
All of that being said, attending college and getting a degree is a huge commitment of both time and money. No one should do it merely for the hope of a better paycheck at the end. Anyone considering college should enroll in a program that will not only have the potential to make them employable, but do so in a field which interests them, even better if it's something that excites you!