Besides the monetary considerations of education, another--and to my mind more important--one is this: people should do what they want to do with their life. How much is that worth? I think it's priceless.
As I mentioned, when I became a dubbie in my twenties, I was talked into being a swimming pool cleaner so I could spend more time in the ministry.
I did that for about two years. Although I have nothing against that particular profession (it's an honest living) it was clearly not for me.
Every time I netted leaves or vacuumed pool, cleaned a filter or checked the chemicals, I kept thinking: You Can Live Forever on Paradise Earth ... and Spend Eternity Cleaning Other People's Pools!
Ahhhhhh! Shoot me now!
Education isn't for everyone. But for the JW cult to forbid people the opportunity to live their own life and pursue their own dreams is just wrong. It's a kind of stealing; they steal people's lives and livelihood. They steal opportunities and futures. It's just wrong.
Let's review: It's a cult!